WTF Community

Day 1231

Global: Total confirmed cases: ~6,446,000; deaths: ~383,000; recoveries: ~2,771,000. (Johns Hopkins University)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

James Mattis Denounces President Trump, Describes Him as a Threat to the Constitution

“Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people—does not even pretend to try. Instead, he tries to divide us,” Mattis writes. “We are witnessing the consequences of three years of this deliberate effort. We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership. We can unite without him, drawing on the strengths inherent in our civil society. This will not be easy, as the past few days have shown, but we owe it to our fellow citizens; to past generations that bled to defend our promise; and to our children.”

He goes on to contrast the American ethos of unity with Nazi ideology. “Instructions given by the military departments to our troops before the Normandy invasion reminded soldiers that ‘The Nazi slogan for destroying us … was “Divide and Conquer.” Our American answer is “In Union there is Strength.”’ We must summon that unity to surmount this crisis—confident that we are better than our politics.”



That is the “cliff’s notes” version of @matt’s entire blog. This is the established fact pattern. Everyday is a new special hell of wedge issues, some of which wouldn’t even be issues if the grifter entertainment conservative media system didn’t make them up on a daily basis. It’s a lack of media literacy and brain washing. These people are micro targeted by ads and fed garbage all day long. On an average day a person can witness up wards of 200+ advertisements just on their phone alone. Most people catch maybe spoon fed clips of some political bullshit that seems too crazy to be true and think their team has won the day,

The people who love Trump don’t understand policy or government at all.


“Inserting this cartoon which depicts the blind loyalty his followers have for him - he’s a reality TV star, he likes to kick dirt in people’s faces - reporters, women, people who ask him hard questions or are smarter than him. He’s their cult leader, he’s charismatic to only them.”

Well yes, those are the hardcore whackadoos that one sees at Trump rallies, but I don’t think that’s a fair representation of a typical Trump supporter. I mean, we ARE talking about 61+ Million people.

So, Let’s see, including those, and one more I came up with in addition to my previous list brings us to, Hardcore Whackadoo, and/or they don’t understand policy or government at all, and/or they don’t care that the planet is burning, the country is going broke, and their only interest is maximizing profit, and/or they’re just drawn by his cavalier attitude about…pretty much EVERYTHING, and/or they’ve always voted Republican and Trump’s the Republican nominee. (I have a real issue with that LAST one, because for me it’s REALLY hard to use the words “Trump” and “Conservative” in the same sentence.)


“I think it’s more that they not care because they don’t understand. Most people’s priorities revolve around kitchen table issues. If it doesn’t directly affect them why care at all? It’s the mindset of scarcity. All they’ve known is not enough—they can’t even imagine there might be more.”

You DO make a good point there. What I don’t get though, is that this guy is just so ‘Out There,’ and out of the Status Quo. (This, I think was Bernie Sanders’ problem, only in the other direction. I LIKE the guy and worked as a delegate for him in 2016, but his numbers just weren’t showing that he had a good enough chance of winning this time either.)

Trump’s just more “Nazi-ish,” than “Conservative.” I guess that’s why there ARE some loyalist Republicans who’ve split off and formed, “Republicans for Biden.”


Hard to characterize the all the reasons why…but @Pet_Proletariat you did a good job of adding to the attributes. And like you say it is many things including “F all Dems/Libs/Pearl-necklace-chluchers/tree-huggers etc.” Liberals like to say T followers are low-information voters and all-or-nothing-Trumpers, but defiancy does characterize both sides.

I hope the right loses all confidence in him…and we’ve never had any,

Thanks @james98188

Yes…that is a LOT of voters, still less than 1/2 of the voting population. And we have through this unfortunate national tragedy ignited part the Democratic base, who also have huge grievances towards justice and the system.

Thankfully some big leaders - Obama, GW Bush, Prime Minister Trudeau, Gen Mattis and Joint Chiefs of Staff Milley have all stuck their necks out…and said ENOUGH of Trump.




Another pitiful example of police brutality…wtF

A black man who called out “I can’t breathe” before dying in police custody in Tacoma, Wash., was killed as a result of oxygen deprivation and the physical restraint that was used on him, according to details of a medical examiner’s report released on Wednesday.

The Pierce County Medical Examiner’s Office concluded that the death of the man, Manuel Ellis, 33, was a homicide. Investigators with the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department were in the process of preparing a report about the March death, which occurred shortly after an arrest by officers from the Tacoma Police Department, said the sheriff’s spokesman, Ed Troyer.


“Yes…that is a LOT of voters, still less than 1/2 of the voting population.”

And, then there’s the Electoral College, with which a simple majority doesn’t always work. it’s going to come down to the Swing States again, And while Biden DID have a healthy margin in most of them this time, for some reason that margin’s shrinking. :roll_eyes:


Let it be said that she is making waves…


Matt Kiser](

So glad you are ok, despite an unexpected visit to a hospital today. I had you on a WTFJHT mission to your own Seattle protest…or even worse, arrested for peacefully protesting . :anguished:

Thx for the video of the Seattle march and for getting out the newsletter tonight.

You are a total champ :1st_place_medal: and so glad that you are returned home in one piece.

Big thanks :+1:

Peace out @matt. :trophy:


Agreed, I was wondering when I didn’t see things updated and a bit worried for you. Glad you’re okay and on the mend there.


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And, here’s what puzzles me: “Dividing us” is apparently his intentional strategy, he just used the National Guard to clear peaceful protesters from around the White House, with at least one serious injury being inflicted, all for a stupid-ass Photo Op with him holding a a BIBLE of all things (He must REALLY be into the Old Testament stuff), and yet…recent polls are showing his Swing State deficit is shrinking; and in some cases, is gone. How CAN people actually LIKE this guy?

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I think it’s more that they not care because they don’t understand. Most people’s priorities revolve around kitchen table issues. If it doesn’t directly affect them why care at all? It’s the mindset of scarcity. All they’ve known is not enough—they can’t even imagine there might be more.

A big part of this is identity politics, they feel like you have attacked their identity and not just some policy or comment made by their party. For some it’s very personal, my uncle lashes out in defense every time I make any comment on FB about any news topic. Doesn’t even have to be political. My former co-worker who attended my wedding, wouldn’t even talk to me after the first Women’s March, still won’t. So defensive all the time. I can’t figure it out either but we need to be able to talk to these people. Help them at least but I have to say, I’m sick of the grievance politics of the right. It’s exhausting.


Read: Former defense secretary Jim Mattis’s full statement criticizing Trump


By my count, 428 people have now been fired from the Trump Administration, or resigned. That’s 43 percent.

By his 365th day as president, 34 percent of Trump’s most senior staffers had quit, switched roles or were forced out. That’s more than double every other administration since 1981. By comparison, Barack Obama had lost 9 percent of his most senior staffers by the end of his first year and George W. Bush 6 percent. Ronald Reagan set the previous record at 17 percent.

Can’t we just give him a 'Time Out," and make him sit in the corner for…oh…say until inauguration day, for “Not Playing Nice With Others?”


Thing is, “The people who love Trump” now constitutes roughly about 40% of the voting public. With THAT many people, it’s really pretty hard to make that kind of generalization. My mother likes him, but she doesn’t even have web access. I’m not sure where she gets her information. My old college roommate likes him; but he was raised in a right-leaning part of the state and works in the oil business.

So, here’s my take: It’s like you said, they don’t understand policy or government at all, and/or they don’t care that the planet is burning, the country is going broke, and their only interest is maximizing profit, and/or they’re just drawn by his cavalier attitude about…pretty much EVERYTHING.

Meanwhile…scientists tell us with the current rate of environmental degradation, much of the planet will be unlivable in just about fifty years, at least without air-conditioning, and where is our time and effort being spent? Counting our president’s lies.


Inserting this cartoon which depicts the blind loyalty his followers have for him - he’s a reality TV star, he likes to kick dirt in people’s faces - reporters, women, people who ask him hard questions or are smarter than him. He’s their cult leader, he’s charismatic to only them.