WTF Community

Day 214

1/ The Secret Service ran out of money to pay agents because of Trump's frequent travel and large family. More than 1,000 agents have hit the federally mandated caps for salary and overtime allowances that were meant to last the entire year. (USA Today)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

A few things not making the Daily Update, but that are interesting nonetheless:

Update: current count is now 15 charities

Also, David Fahrenthold has started a 2nd “list” - tracking non-gala events at Mar-a-Lago. 4 of 9 have cancelled so far.


There is just so much to be disgusted about, but after all the crap Trump said about Obama, this secret service budget is particularly irksome to me. I started a petition demanding that Congress do NOT raise the budget – please sign and share. Thx.

Might want to share that in the Actions category.