WTF Community

Day 244

1/ Paul Manafort's spokesman responded to reports of Manafort's wiretapping, arguing "it is a felony to reveal the existence of a FISA warrant." Jason Maloni said DOJ should "immediately conduct an investigation into these leaks and to examine the motivations behind a previous administration's effort to surveil a political opponent." The original FISA warrant was granted before Trump declared his candidacy. (CBS News)

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:open_mouth: WOW!


At first glance at the polling data, it seemed women were slightly less supportive of single-payer than men, on the whole. I didnā€™t expect that.

But after splitting subgroups six ways (by gender and political affiliation), sample sizes were fairly small (n=281ā€“390), which means margin of error was at least +/- 5ā€“6%. So itā€™s possible the proportion of supporters who were men vs women could be the same after all.

If not, I wonder what accounts for that difference between gendersā€”consistently across Democrats, Independents, and Republicans? :thinking: