WTF Community

Day 855

1/ Trump gave Attorney General William Barr "full and complete authority" to unilaterally declassify government secrets and ordered U.S. intelligence agencies to cooperate with Barr's audit of the Russia investigation. Trump wants Barr to investigate the origins of the Russia investigation and the tactics used by investigators. Trump issued the order just hours after accusing the people who led the investigation of committing treason. Barr has personally met with the heads of U.S. intelligence agencies to discuss his review of the probe. Barr has also said that he believes the Trump campaign was "spied" on. (New York Times / Washington Post / NBC News / CNN)

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The hilarious thing is that there are a whole lot of Trump devotees who believe that if they can find just one FBI counter-intelligence protocol that was not observed, the entire Mueller Report will become false.

They have in their mind something like the “fruit of the poison tree” doctrine, pertaining to search and seizure, which applies to the taking of life, liberty or property. Unfortunately, there is no “right to be president of the United States.”

And besides, it’s a desperate ploy. The best they can come up with is attacking the Steele dossier, which, in light of the Mueller indictments, other legal filings, and Report, turn out to mostly accurate.


Missouri’s governor on Friday signed into law a strict anti-abortion bill that prohibits abortions after eight weeks of pregnancy.


The law bans abortions after eight weeksafter a heartbeat is detected – but before many women know they are pregnant.

The legislation, known as House Bill 126, includes exceptions for what it defines as medical emergencies – such as cases when a mother’s life is at risk or she is facing serious permanent injury – but not for pregnancies that are the result of rape or incest. It includes a provision that would ban abortion outright if Roe v. Wade is ever overturned.

The American Civil Liberties Union of Missouri called Parson’s signing of the bill a “horrific blow” to health care in the state and promised to “explore all options” to stop the law from going into effect August 28.

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Well, THIS travesty just happened.


Ben Carson guts homeless shelter gender protections 24 hours after telling Congress he wouldn’t


Federal judge blocks Trump from using Defense funds for parts of border wall

Federal judge blocks Trump from using Defense funds for parts of border wall

Federal Judge Blocks Trump’s Border-Wall Plans

In first ruling on the issue, judge writes executive branch’s plans to divert funds for wall exceeded its authority


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Yup, they truly believe that this whole investigation is somehow illegal. That’s exactly why Trump is willing to risk the lives of our agents in the field to declassify classified intelligence. It’s dangerous cherry-picking in a time when the constitutionality of our government is currently in question.