WTF Community

End of the Worst Fucking Year Rant

Let’s get it all out now because we have three more years of this bullshit. How has 2017 affected what you believe and your personal truth? Start with the words, “2017 made me feel…”


2017 made me feel, incredulous and not in the fun kind of way. What the fuck Is fucking happening to this country?! I grew up in a working class, center right, catholic, multiethnic, multicultural family, Trump and his administrations actions feel like a personal attack on my family’s way of life every fucking day.

This isn’t conservativism, this isn’t my grandfathers party anymore. This is a bunch of racist bullshit wrapped up in tax breaks for the 1% of the 1%. What the fuck, go take you fucking party back and grow a fucking spine!

The country didn’t elect a leader, they elected a shitty brand! Congrats America, corporations are officially fucking people and can even be elected into the highest office in the fucking world. What’s next Spencer’s Gifts will be elected to the fucking Senate? How the fuck did we get here?

Drain the swamp? Trump is the fucking swamp! He’s Pepe incarnate. He embodies everything that’s wrong with the election process! From voter suppression to the newest fucking threat to our democracy, the use of cyber warfare to manufacture the consent of the American people by foreign actors.

The fucking lying. Everyday it’s four, maybe five fucking lies. If the lies aren’t coming from the President mouth, they coming out of his fucking lackeys mouths. How does a person convince others that lying to the people is a good fucking idea?! It’s un-fucking-believable!

Trump isn’t a person of faith, hell, he’s broken so many commandments I lost count. He’s not a fucking devote person and he doesn’t take the faiths seriously. He just wants the followers, the admiration and their votes. Fucking ridiculous and blasphemous.

Over a dozen women came forward with allegations of sexual assault and harassment, he was still elected into office. Why don’t we beleive women? Why don’t we like women? Why don’t we take women seriously? We are 51% of this country and we still don’t have equal rights under the law! What the fuck are we doing? We should have ratified the ERA years ago, yet in 2017 we are still two states away and have allowed the “artificial” deadline to pass 30 fucking years ago.

So yeah 2017 has made me feel fucking incredulous. I can’t believe all this is actually really fucking happening.

:v:2017 you won’t be fucking missed!


2017 made me feel like a fucking crazy person, kept sane by the WTFamily. Self care is real. We’ve come so far, but still got so far to go. Thanks for support, fam.


2017 made me feel like we have to win now or lose forever. We are many, they are few. It’s discouraging at times, but we got this.


Why does this feel like it came straight out of an episode of 30 Rock?


i have to jump in. i have been depressed since november, more so since january. day after day we hear more lies, see more liberties and environmental safeguards removed, and daily have to suffer from a totally unhinged and unfit president. ii can’t wait for this year to end.
i need a new car, and have the funds all set. unfortunately the 2018 model of car i want to buy hasn’t been released yet. i’m waiting; i refuse to buy anything dated 2017. 2018 can’t come soon enough. yes, we may have 3 years more of the same, but i suspect things will get a little better, esp after the mid term elections. at least one can always hope…happy new year. and matt, great job, thanks very much!


2017 has made me feel a sense of rage and disgust as the constant emotional baseline 24/7/365. Thank you, WTFJHTers, for keeping me breathing. Fuck Trump. Fuck the GOP. We’ll never surrender. Never.


2017 made me feel like I need this pic on my profile… :grin::grin:
lets forget-2017-new-years


2017 made me feel more stressed out than I’ve ever been in my life. So much damning information has been reported on and investigations are in full tilt mode, yet tRump is still in office, wreaking havoc by the day. What is it gonna take to get rid of him.


2017 made me feel angry, sad, resentful, outraged, yet very grateful to have a great life, living in America. We live the American dream…For that I say a prayer of thanks every day. That being said, I don’t like hating anyone, but I do. I truly hate our President. He is arrogant, ignorant, narcissistic and just plain phony. The sound of his voice makes me want to vomit. Worst president I can ever recall. He is a compilation of the worst attributes of the human race. All we can do is pray that he doesn’t get us nuked by the North Koreans within the remaining three years he has left in office. Left/right doesn’t matter. We are all in this together. Thanks for letting me vent. I wish all of you a Happy & Healthy 2018.


Really terrified about what comes next. We are surrounded by dictators around the world: Kim, Abe, Jinping, Modi, Putin, Netanyahu, Maduro, Duterte, Erdogan, Assad, those of Hungary, and Poland, and meanwhile our shining city on the hill is whithering under the seige of our own very lame dick-tater…Meanwhile the climate is tanking as we strive to expel the totalitarian virus that is gripping our floundering democratic instutions, whose very principles have illuminated and given hope and promise to the world of life as other than nasty, brutish and short. Fanning the flames of distraction through division fear and hatred while stealing the country blind and destroying any path to a viable future… sorry it all looks so grim. Thanks fellow country folk for doing all you can to prevent the end of the republic, and the world as we know it, for the stupid short term gain of this absolute ignoramus and his pathetic knaves. #truckfump


2017 made me feel like the United States of America, my beloved country, had gone stark raving mad. Of course that started in 2016 when Drumpf won the nomination in that horrible primary, but still… Two things come to mind. A general shriek of disbelief. (Speakers up loud) ARRRRRAAAAARRRAAAAGGGGGHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhh. And one song that makes sense.


Sad. Scared. Worried. I won’t stop resisting, but I think this is it for Democracy. I don’t think we’ll come back from this.


I was totally bummed at the end of 2016. It was as if all my worst assumptions about the USA had come to pass, and they were way worse than I’d ever imagined. Now I’m exhilarated. I feel more American than I ever have in my life, as if U.S. principles are worth fighting for. The tide started to turn with the Women’s March(es) in January – actually no, it was before that, when a local civic- engagement group coalesced soon after the election and started to grow. I finally registered as a Democrat after years of voting Democratic but feeling estranged from patriarchal electoral politics in general. I got involved in my local Dem club and the women’s committee of that new local civic-engagement group. This led to involvement with Indivisible and other real-world and online organizations, real people doing real-world organizing for change.

This article, by North Carolina state senator Jeff Jackson, says it all. He writes about the grassroots meetings he kept getting invited to as a newly elected officeholder and how all of them were organized by and attended mostly by women. He writes:

Refreshingly, at these meetings I don’t hear much debate about what it means to be a “true” progressive or whether Bernie would have won. They don’t spend a lot of time obsessing over bylaws or holding internal elections.

You know what they’re talking about? How to raise money. How to build a volunteer army. How to bounce back after a tough day of canvassing or phone banking.

In other words, they’re talking about what it actually takes to create change, and then they’re really doing it.

That reflects my own local experience. We almost lost our democracy because we took it for granted and either forgot or never learned how to sustain it. Now we’re taking it back.

It hasn’t been an easy year, that’s for sure, but it’s been one of the best of my life.


2017 made me feel gobsmacked every single day. I have PTSD … President Trump Stress Disorder. I’ve never thought “I’m proud to be an American” (please don’t hate me for saying that) … but NOW I’m embarrassed to be an American. Gawd! The lies, the sewing of division, the arrogance and stupidity, the complete disregard for democratic norms, the entitlement … the fucking hair and that voice! Don’t get me started on the cowards in the House and Senate who don’t give a shit about anything but power. Blergh.


2017 made me feel sick, literally. In addition to the taxscam that we all got for the holidays, I got a cancer diagnosis. I blame it on the misogynist in chief. I believe that the daily stress and horror of this administration coupled with my heartbreak at what we are losing (decency, what little social justice we had, the environmental gains of the last 30 years, health care, democracy…) contributed to my developing cancer. In 2018, I will be fighting two cancers, one in my body and one in the White House.


Take care…very sorry to hear this. Tough times indeed.

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2017 made me feel sad and angry. I cried in November 2016 when the election results were announced and I was angry at the swearing in ceremony in January 2017. We had just turned over our country to a pathologically impulsive and self-centered man. This year has proved just how susceptible people are to follow without question a man who promises whatever future their small world craves. It is so sad there are people who are wiling to be led to slaughter, and it is incredibly scary how dangerous this man is. I hold on to the hope that intelligence and ethics will prevail in 2018 and that the majority of Americans will topple this shameful an disgraceful figure who presently occupies the White House.


@activista I’m sorry to hear that as well, all the best to you in the New Year! Keep fighting!

2017 made me feel vulnerable, ashamed and utterly hopeless.

In my intro thread, I explained how I went from successful and middle class to insolvent in less than 60 seconds. My future doesn’t look very bright due to a couple of health conditions that simply won’t get better.

I have controlled all that I can, but frankly, the only thing that will keep me off the streets as I get older are Medicare, Medicaid, Disability and Social Security. All of which are in the crosshairs.

I’m sorry - I know this makes me worthless. I only worked full time, usually with a home business on the side, for a mere 37 years…not nearly long enough to be a real American.

What am I going to do? My fellow Americans don’t care. Truth be told, a lot of them would be fine to see me dead, so I don’t soak up their tax dollars.

When I hit the ground running as a college graduate, willing to work as hard as I needed to contribute to society and make the world a better place, this is not the ending I had expected.