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March for Our Lives

Never know…it could very well be a rip-off, or it could be someone who is sincerely overly-enthused that got off to an early start, but I sure wouldn’t buy one att. It’s a challenge to even warn others, under the circumstances.

They are making a combo 2nd and 14th Amendment argument, saying barring 18-21 year olds from buying guns violates equal protection, resulting in age discrimination. Ya know, like how barring alcohol purchase in that age range does the same thing.


The NRA will probably try to sue every state that changes their gun legislation. I cannot imagine that there’s a court that is going to be willing to actively prevent laws designed to protect our kids particularly with the kind of logic you just expressed and in view of public sentiment and the number of deaths that have occurred in the past year. So, let the NRA keep spending their money on frivolous law suits. I just don’t see them getting very far with this. But then, maybe I’m naive.


It’s time to remind the country that “NRA” stands for “Not Relevant Anymore”! That we, the majority of Americans, are tired of the chaos & killing…and for what? So a bunch of [mostly] guys with hyperactive aggression fantasies can play war without actually joining the military to serve our country? Oh puhleeeze…!


I’ll be naive with you, Amy!


I need to apologize. The guy was the real thing. I don’t know that he’s actually a neighbor. He’s also not very organized. Just this weekend, he was asking for people to chair various things - marketing campaign to parents, sign-in, creating posters, etc. - all things that maybe you’d want to have in place less than a week before. I’m going to try and volunteer to help, but my Dad isn’t doing well at all right now and I am housebound with only some help a couple of afternoons a week. So I’ve no idea who this is going to work. We’ll be assembling at a rather large mall, 90% of which is closed. So there’s a huge parking lot with no cars. But it’s on a very busy road so I doubt anybody’s going to be marching. Besides, it’s Can-Am week here. Lots of Canadians come down to play golf during the winter so apparently, we celebrate their presence with a week just devoted to Canadian things. My kid is all excited because he may finally get to try poutine (French fries and cheese curds topped with a brown gravy). It might actually be interesting to talk to a few Canadians and get their perspective on all of this. Who knows, they may be asked to fund their own wall soon.

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At the military school he attended they probably didn’t have ammunition. On the gun range only if they did any marksmanship work, but that may not have been the case. They might have drilled with old M-1s, WWII vintage, unloaded.

The military and other schools know you don’t keep ammunition around firearms, it’s the makings of disaster.

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They did it!

I’m impressed with what the youth from Parkland have accomplished, good article in The New Yorker. Some of the photos of the placards being carried made me laugh, I needed the laugh. I loved the “I’ve seen smarter cabinets at IKEA”. This energy needs to be carried into November. My new slogan #TrumpTrump


That might leave room for misinterpretation?

But I LOVE the “I’ve seen smarter cabinets at IKEA”! :grin:

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The Parkland teens are learning how nasty politics in the U.S. has become. These teenagers will have some thick skin after this mess.

Trumptrump refers to the game of bridge of course, basically beat Trump at his own game.

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Wow. I see it’s an uphill battle until that kind of influence-buying is made illegal and terminated.
(BTW it is illegal here.) Are the wealthy American arms dealers also selling the bandages?

I know, but how many trump supporters will know that? Most would just think “2 trumps are better than one”.

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Then there is the thought that more the NRA sticks to their traditional behavior the more it drives the youth away from them, and their parents and grandparents?

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MAGA, learn to play bridge.:woman_student:t2:

And they’ll be VOTING soon too. :grin:


A photo of one of the students supposedly tearing up the constitution is going around social media. The one I saw was the poorest photoshop job I’ve seen online in years the graphics person must think we are dumb.


I really liked that they not only had a powerful message, but a direct call to action and a direction to take moving forward. The whole thing was very well organized and executed. They called upon people to vote and talked about pre-registration for people who will be 18 by the time of the mid-term elections. There were even a lot of volunteers going around with voter registration forms at the end so that people could register to vote then and there.

(Matt/others: sorry for lack of a link or anything. Don’t currently have time to research/look one up. I was there this weekend, so all info above is based on firsthand account.)


She was actually ripping up a paper with a target on it - used for target practice with guns. I’ll try to find the actual story that I read this in earlier today. It showed the original and the photoshopped version. That particular student is the one that called for 6 minutes and 17 seconds of silence when she spoke. Six minutes was all it took to bring down 17 students and teachers. There’s been a lot of talk about that moment and the impact it made.


I didn’t find the original story I had read, but this one will do. It shows the actual item she ripped up and discusses how this alternative photo has gone viral:

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