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Looks like Turkey is constantly threatening to cut off US Air Base in Turkey - see July 2019 article.

Can not find current article.

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I can’t even…



In any other presidency this alone would be a bombshell.

In Trump’s, it’s just one more sick, sad example of his hateful, amoral malignancy.

“The most violent clip shows Mr. Trump’s head superimposed on the body of a man opening fire inside the ‘Church of Fake News’ on parishioners who have the faces of his critics or the logos of media organizations superimposed on their bodies.”

Having just watched it, it’s worse than I’d heard. It has him killing dozens of news outlets, a person labeled as Black Lives Matter, and I notice that the creator reserved the more gruesome deaths for individuals, including Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Maxine Waters, Schiff, Rosie O’Donnell, Mika Brzezinski, Rachel Maddow, Bernie, George Soros, John McCain, Joe Kennedy III, James Comey, and Mitt Romney.


Giuliani was always a fraud. Just ask the FDNY

As the image of “America’s Mayor” was being rehabbed, 9/11 families saw how his malfeasance killed their loved ones

A story on how Rudy Giuliani’s actions contributed heavily to the loss of life during the 9/11 tragedy in NYC, due to a lack of proper communications equipment.


::Sighs:: Trump finally did it. Since the 80s he’s tried to turn the US into a protection racket. I have a thread on that…

And here he is doing it:

I recommend reading the full transcript. It’s uniquely horrifying.

Too little too late; Trump is imposing sanctions on Turkey.

The situation in Syria has been rapidly deteriorating.

Kurdish forces near the northern Syrian border have struck a deal with the Syrian government, marking a major shift in the country’s eight-year war.

Trump just drove the Kurds to our enemies.

Russian shadow falls over Syria as Kurds open door for Assad

With the US gone, the implications of their departure is beginning to sink in across the Middle East

As Trump scurries away like a coward, Russia steps in to take control.

Trump has delivered what Russia wants in Syria — at zero cost — and ‘Putin likely can’t believe his luck’

As World Frets Over U.S. Missteps in Syria, Russia Grins and Pounces

President Trump’s erratic moves are letting Russia seize the role of peacemaker — and deal-maker — in Syria.

Russia patrolling between Turkish and Syrian forces after U.S. troops withdraw


So, there are no threads I can post this in. It could come up in this, but if you can think of a better place for it, please move it.

That said…

If you’re gonna come at the king, you best not m- wait, what? Ronan Farrow? Yeah, okay, he’s doomed.

American Media, Inc. and the National Enquirer shredded sensitive Donald Trump-related documents that had been held in a top-secret safe right before Trump was elected in 2016, according to fresh allegations made in a new book by journalist Ronan Farrow.


Going after Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao ( also McConnel’s wfe) for her influence campaign to benefit her husband’s constituents and her family.

A senior House Democrat has asked the Transportation Department’s internal watchdog to investigate whether Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao showed undue favoritism to Kentucky constituents of her husband, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

On Friday, Rep. Peter DeFazio of Oregon, the top Democrat on the House Transportation Committee, wrote the DOT’s inspector general asking him to probe any conflicts of interest Chao has. Specifically DeFazio cited two POLITICO stories, one detailing Chao’s disproportionate number of meetings with Kentucky officials during her first year in the position, and another suggesting she had designated a member of her senior staff to serve as a point person for Kentucky issues, which the agency denies.

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Trump just declared the situation HE created in Syria a national emergency.

Or… “the order”, as he calls it.

And in doing so admits that this is undermining the efforts to stop ISIS.

His bold, brilliant move to stop Turkey?

Steel tariffs.

The problem with that?

Turkey doesn’t import steel from us on a large basis.

Their three big suppliers? Russia, Ukraine, and South Korea.

No wonder they’re completely ignoring Trump’s hollow threat.

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Video shows the inside of an abandoned US camp in Syria taken over by Russian mercenaries

Russian forces sweep into U.S. base abandoned in Syria

And one opinion piece:

If You Don’t Care About Kurds Dying—You’re Not Pro-life

The Kurds might not be angels, but we know who the devil is.

Trump waves off deaths in Syria: The Kurds are ‘no angels’


:face_with_symbols_over_mouth::open_mouth::bomb::exploding_head: It would seem the Q-Anon crowd is right about human-trafficking… just not who is doing it.

GOP Politician Indicted For Human Trafficking Scheme Involving Sale Of Children

A Republican elected official in Arizona was indicted on human trafficking charges after prosecutors say he ran a human smuggling ring that lured in pregnant Pacific Island women by promising them thousands of dollars.

Once in the U.S., the women allegedly were “crammed into houses to wait to give birth, sometimes with little to no prenatal care,” according to The Associated Press .


Gordon Sondland, Trump envoy and key figure in impeachment probe, faces criticism over $1 million taxpayer-funded home renovation

Gordon Sondland, who has no qualifications for being an ambassador, got the job after he paid $1 million into Trump’s inaugural fund. Then he renovated his new digs with $1 million in taxpayer money. Neat trick. It’s not like he has any motivations for enabling Trump’s Ukraine scheme and then lying about it.

Gordon Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European Union and a central figure in the House impeachment inquiry of President Trump, is overseeing a nearly $1 million renovation of his government-provided residence, paid for with taxpayer money, that current and former officials have criticized as extravagant and unnecessary.

The work on the ambassador’s home on the outskirts of Brussels includes more than $400,000 in kitchen renovations, nearly $30,000 for a new sound system and $95,000 for an outdoor “living pod” with a pergola and electric heating, LED lighting strips and a remote-control system, government procurement records show.

The State Department also has allocated more than $100,000 for an “alternate” residence for Sondland for September and October, while work is performed.

$50,000/mo for temporary housing – sweet!

Sondland, a hotel developer and major Trump fundraiser who had no diplomacy background before he was confirmed by the Senate in June 2018, was pivotal to the administration’s efforts to pressure the government of Ukraine to investigate Trump’s political rivals, according to text messages and testimony from current and former officials.

The renovations at the E.U. ambassador’s residence, which include $33,000 for handmade furniture from Italy, appeared driven by Sondland’s lavish tastes rather than practical needs, people familiar with the matter said.

Under Sondland … the State Department has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on furniture, fabrics and what is described in documents as a “family kitchen,” at a cost of just under $223,000.

That project is distinct from another for a “professional kitchen,” costing about $209,000, the records show.

Some of the work at the residence seemed designed for the comfort of the occupant, not for making the house suitable for guests.

The records show $82,000 was spent on a bathroom renovation labeled “backside office.”


Trump faces furious State Dept. revolt for trashing career diplomats on Ukraine: ‘People are fed up’


The upside is that this may further motivate them to step up and testify to the true events surrounding Trump’s extortion of Ukraine’s President for his personal benefit.


The notorious RBG for the win!

Ruth Bader Ginsburg has been awarded the $1 million Berggruen Prize. The award is given annually to “thinkers whose ideas have profoundly shaped human self-understanding and advancement in a rapidly changing world.”


Tonight at the Capitol…we didn’t see anyone today except a few reporters by the WH. But am looking around Congress for evidence of unprecedented activities today!!! Wow- storming scif…


Hope you’re having fun! You never know who you might bump into. It really is remarkable that our leaders are wandering around in those buildings just like everybody else and it’s not that unusual to spot somebody famous. Decades ago (I’m revealing my ancient age here), I rode in an elevator with George McGovern when he was a Senator – purely by chance. :smile:


Yes they are…

Here are the dividing lines…

-Attack and re-positioning from the R’s
-Bring on the legal facts and testimony with impeachable evidence from the Dems
-And our resident bully know-nothing…all talk/lies just scrambling for his base.

Have yet to see a face I recognize…but I am hearing from cabbies/Uber drivers that by far all the people they see do not like T.

And I bet it was great seeing McGovern…at least he had some vision. I will raise you and tell you I met Walter Mondale… and literally was in an elevator when Henry Kissinger was coming into American University for a press conference. .:smile:

Obviously I was just an infant.


What a fun trip, thanks for the updates!


She’s pretty good at this :raised_hands:


Representative Ocasio-Cortez Questions Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook Fact-Checking Policy

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) questions Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg about how the company enforces its political advertising policies and raises some hypothetical examples of the kinds of ads Facebook might block. “Would I be able to run advertisements on Facebook targeting Republicans in primaries saying that they voted for the Green New Deal?” She asks. “I don’t know the answer to that off the top of my head,” Zuckerberg replies. “I think probably.”