Sorry for late reply - it’s now 8.30am Sunday morning here. That’s a fascinating story you tell, I shall look forward to watching that later, and thank you for sharing. My great grandparents on my mothers side only spoke Gaelic, and for generations never moved far from a small island off the west coast of Scotland. Nevertheless, one can appreciate the problems of other communities which are subject to oppression and dispossession from more powerful outsiders.
That’s a pretty good ratio of ingenious representation in government. They say the tipping point is 20% to be heard. Ours isn’t as good, only four representives in Congress out of 435.
It’s interesting that a mechanism set up to limit the number of Maori in Parliament would, in fact, be the means by which their representation is enhanced
I’m reminded of the song by Blue Mink “Melting Pot”
What we need is a great big melting pot Big enough enough enough to take The world and all its got And keep it stirring for a hundred years or more And turn out coffee coloured people by the score