WTF Community

The Russian Connection: The Social Media War

Speaking of a conspiracy to overthrow… you know, what Russia is doing is awful, but it’s also what we EXPECT of them…they’ve been the enemy of the free world for a long time. But this ^^^ from within…
shows just how little shame some in the billionaire class really have, as IF we didn’t already have trump to demonstrate that. He’s not the only traitor here. He didn’t do this alone. Just saying…


The Guardian is doing an amazing series on Cambridge Analytica. This article explains how they may have violated the law. :point_down:


Thanks for the compilation of material.


The first rule of Facebook is that you don’t talk about Facebook. :smirk:


I follow one of the authors of these articles, @carolecadwalla, since she broke this story last year and she’s putting out some great snippets on her feed:

Facey was unhappy with the whole damn thing:

Another unhappy facey employee:

Well he seems cheerful lol

Will Facebook survive the Cambridge Analytica debacle? This has now spread to my state (NC) where one of our Senators (Tillis) and the GOP have been accused of paying over $300k for data from the FB / Cambridge mining activity. WTF

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I’m just so happy that I’ve never been a fan (or user) of Facebook. Looked it over & ran the other way- I just didn’t trust the privacy issues, etc.


These three stories, taken together, demonstrate what a sham the Republican-dominated House Intelligence Committee Investigation into Russian Collusion really was. It’s now obvious that Cambridge Analytica executives lied to the committee and yet the Republicans refuse to re-open the investigation. It’s left to the minority-Democrats to follow up on the lies and uncover the truth.


I basically stopped using FB over a year ago, took the app off my phone after I kept seeing false political stories during the campaign. It smelled fishy but I couldn’t figure out where the fish smell was coming from other than FB.

The past presidential campaign has two smelly issues.

  1. The False news about HRC and the various GOP candidates. Except of course his honor “The Donald”.

  2. Was the Dem nomination process rigged? Seems it was, so much for modeling democracy.


This is all breaking so fast, it’s hard to keep up!


Okay but I would just like to take a moment to acknowledge and appreciate the fact that at least he used the right word.

It would be pretty cool if people in positions of power in this country knew the difference between slander and libel IMO. It’s a silly pet peeve, but seriously you would think people who spend so much time suing people and getting sued would have that one down by now.


This was the first article about data and it’s manipulation that I found which went into details of how it was done.

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Interesting, I’ve found Wired Magazine often has leading articles about technology and issues like this. Thanks for the lead.

An interesting writer on Information Security is Violet Blue, yes that’s the name she goes by as an author.

Whoa! :flushed: Data on 57 billion friendships were shared. Am I reading this right? I need more coffee.


Facebook provided the dataset of “every friendship formed in 2011 in every country in the world at the national aggregate level” to Kogan’s University of Cambridge laboratory for a study on international friendships published in Personality and Individual Differences in 2015.

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Search in the Financial Times from 2017. Good stuff there too!