I agree…watching the Dem’s being steamrolled by R’s and holding off on any real big impeachment inquiry is unnervingly slow.
Seeing that Dems are not being successful getting a full court press on getting the Mueller Report re-exposed, AND that the 2020 election is taking shape, these stall tactics make it even worse.
I tend to believe like Alan Lichtman (13 keys to WH) that Impeachment proceedings would create the scandal necessary to unseat this lothario/lug not to mention dangerous, corrupted and immoral president.
See #9 Scandal - what would be exposed during an Impeachment inquiry?
electoral college results (as happened in 2000 and 2016), it has an excellent predictor of political trends, successfully anticipated election outcomes since 1984. The “keys” to power, as summarized by PBS, include:
Party Mandate: After the midterm elections, the incumbent party holds more seats in the U.S. House of Representatives than after the previous midterm elections.
Contest: There is no serious contest for the incumbent party nomination.
Incumbency: The incumbent party candidate is the sitting president.
Third party: There is no significant third party or independent campaign.
Short-term economy: The economy is not in recession during the election campaign.
Long-term economy: Real per capita economic growth during the term equals or exceeds mean growth during the previous two terms.
Policy change: The incumbent administration effects major changes in national policy.
Social unrest: There is no sustained social unrest during the term.
Scandal: The incumbent administration is untainted by major scandal.
Foreign/military failure: The incumbent administration suffers no major failure in foreign or military affairs.
Foreign/military success: The incumbent administration achieves a major success in foreign or military affairs.
Incumbent charisma: The incumbent party candidate is charismatic or a national hero.
Challenger charisma: The challenging party candidate is not charismatic or a national hero.