WTF Community

Day 1287

1/ Biden called for a constitutional amendment to reform the Supreme Court, pressing Congress to establish 18-year term limits and a binding, enforceable code of conduct for the court’s nine justices. Biden, in an op-ed, said “no one” including “a justice on the Supreme Court of the United States” is above the law. He added: “What is happening now is not normal, and it undermines the public’s confidence in the court’s decisions, including those impacting personal freedoms. We now stand in a breach.” Biden also called for a constitutional amendment to limit the Supreme Court’s “dangerous and extreme” decision to grant blanket immunity to presidents for crimes they commit in office. A constitutional amendment requires two-thirds support from both chambers of Congress, or through a constitutional convention by two-thirds of the states. Ratification requires support from three-fourths of state legislatures. Speaker Mike Johnson called Biden’s proposals an effort to “delegitimize the court,” and said plan “is dead on arrival in the House.” (Washington Post / New York Times / Associated Press / Reuters / NPR / NBC News / Axios / ABC News / Politico / Wall Street Journal / CNN / CBS News)

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