WTF Community

Day 1383

1/ Trump told associates he intends to declare premature victory on Election Night in order to cast doubt on the integrity of the election and undermine the validity of uncounted mail-in ballots in the days after. Many states, however, won’t be done counting mail ballots by Tuesday night and it’s common for some states to take several days to finalize vote counts. Trump, nevertheless, told confidants he’ll declare victory on election night if it looks like he’s “ahead.” Speaking to reporters later, Trump first denied that he would declare victory prematurely, before confirming that he would try to shut down tabulating votes after polls close. “I think it’s a terrible thing when ballots can be collected after an election […] when states are allowed to tabulate ballots for a long period of time after the election is over […] that we can’t know the results of an election the night of the election. As soon as that election’s over, we’re going in with our lawyers.” (Axios / CNN / The Guardian / Bloomberg / New York Times)

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Don’t send an economist to do an epidemiologists job. That analysis of the effects of the superspreader rallies into number of deaths has issues. The effect is happening, but their methods mean the numbers can’t be believed. I read the paper, and the analysis they did smelled wrong. So I sent it off to a friend who is an epi & stats professor. Had her send me a layman’s language peer review. Comments on Stanford paper

I am bringing this up, so that the whole idea (big rallies bad) won’t be tossed out because they didn’t get the numbers right. (same thing already happened with the Sturgis gathering study. good points, banged the numbers wrong, [economists again] so it got slammed as completely invalid).


Thank you.

After spending 26 years in the Air Force as an aerospace ground equipment specialist, Merced’s Richard Howard takes the privilege of voting in elections seriously.

Howard, 89, has participated in every election.

“He doesn’t miss voting,” said daughter Kathryn Howard Taylor. “He never ever misses voting, period.”

The Howard family had to work to make that happen this year after Richard injured himself during a fall at his home. Richard injured his shoulder and spent three days at Mercy Medical Center Merced.

Richard had previously filled out his mail-in ballot, but hadn’t signed the return envelope.

Read more here:

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Hmm, now is that “non-scalable” in the same way that our “beautiful” southern border wall is “non-scalable”…?


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