WTF Community

Day 337

Updated 12/22/2017 10:30 AM PST

WTF Just Happened Today will be back on Tuesday, December 26th. Until then, join me in the community forum to share and discuss what the fuck is going on. ✌️

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
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I really hope that bloodbath ensues. I really hope they all pay the price for the way they’ve abandoned policy and torpedoed the country with reckless abandon. I really hope the Koch’s spend their money into their grave. 2018 is going to be an active year. Sign up to help righteous campaigns. We have to work hard to get this ship on course.


This is simply marvelous. I used to copyedit dissertations and saw some truly horrendous shit pass a fuckload of unqualified people into the doctorate stratosphere. I’d love to hate-read one of his submissions, bc I guess I haven’t killed off enuf brain cells in this 2017 dumpster fire.


IKWYM. Edited our journal in law school. Just as an example, somebody was writing an article about initiating statutes and . . . on final edit . . . it said “imitating statues.” Spell-check mess-up I’m sure, but does anybody proofread this stuff?