WTF Community

Day 368

Updated 1/22/2018 8:49 AM PST

1/ The Senate will vote today at noon on a plan to reopen the federal government. Democrats say there is still no concrete deal on the table, even as Mitch McConnell pleaded with the Senate to end the shutdown. "Negotiating with President Trump is like negotiating with Jell-O," Chuck Schumer said. "It's next to impossible." (Politico / Washington Post)

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You beat me to it. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Multiple Democratic Senators report that they expect to pass the CR this afternoon. They are getting ready to vote now.

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Congressional D’s yet again show themselves to be completely spineless. Pathetic.


Wait, did he actually say “goodwill of the Republicans”?

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Another big win for #FairMaps!!


A couple of noteworthy stories that I’m not including in today’s update:


!!! :point_down:t3:

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“We haven’t determined that. We are hopeful we don’t have to do that and we don’t have to get there,” Sanders responded. “We would like Democrats to get serious about solving problems.”

Yup, there’s that Republican goodwill Chris Coons mentioned in action.

Pretty good run down from Vox on what the Dems did get out of this deal. CHIP is safe, Dreamers are next. Sit tight guys and keep calling your reps! We need to keep the pressure high!


Interesting counterpoints here. Thanks for posting.

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This hasn’t fully convinced me. I understand that we don’t want to push the envelope on making dysfunctional all-out warfare on policy issues, but how much longer can Democrats get played before losing their identity entirely?

I’m reminded of this game developed to show how trust works. When it gets to the later examples of groups of people with different mechanisms, I like to think of it as a metaphor for the legislative bodies.

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Like, this can’t be real life. :scream:

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We only have so many votes in the house and senate, that limits our plays substantially. As they say in baseball, “take the easy out”. We sercured funding for CHIP, that’s one down. :fist:


That’s entirely fair, but I don’t think that was ever on the Republican agenda to axe, so it doesn’t seem like much of a win, to me. It’s crumbs next to additional tax cuts that are going to gut the ACA.

Meh, February 8th is only 13 business days away and the Dream Act is ready to be brought to the floor. If the Dems do not secure a vote on the floor of the house and the senate during this time, then they have failed and the shut down will happen again.