WTF Community

Day 383

This is straight out of a dictatorship.

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Yeah, saw that- disgusting isn’t it? :clown_face: More waste of money & energy for his sickening self-aggrandizement. But maybe it’s a “better choice” than riding a horse bareback with his shirt off? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Bahahahahaha! :joy::joy::joy:

To those asking, why more funds go for military than domestic? Why aren’t there dissenting opinions in mainstream media? Suggest reading Noam Chomsky’s Understanding Power… it’s depressing and doesn’t contain solutions to these problems but you’ll better understand our propaganda machine and the power structures that perpetuate our “democracy” (which is not at all a democracy).

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If your’e talking about “Keys to power” and such, I understand the secret reason; the military is what ultimately legitimizes any regime, and it is at their will that any power is consolidated by the government to begin with.
But if they want to play the rhetoric game, and pretend it’s “for the best,” I’m going to call them on it.

One of the comments on the WaPo article was in the nose. It was essentially asking why all the money going toward this farce isn’t instead going to things like VA and other programs that help veterans.


Kelly is really showing us why he’s there. He’s all in for the Trumpist anti-immigration agenda.


What a waste of freaking tax-payer dollars! All for trump’s f’ing ego, NOT honoring the military as he claims; it’s the 'ol dictator’s playbook. :nauseated_face:

The only thing that needs to be “shut-down” is the disgraceful potus.

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It’s all about keeping a white majority in our country for perhaps another 5 years or so. Just saw someone doing the math on this (I forgot who & where, or I’d quote, sorry- that’s the trouble with so many pressing issues at once).

It was an analysis by WaPo, and the delay is anywhere from 1-5 years. This is based on assumptions that Dreamers will be able to stay. And there is a big unknown in how many immigrants will start identifying as non-Hispanic white, as some Latino immigrants have been found to do.

Their methodology is outlined at the end of the article, but a main point:

To adjust those forecasts, we assumed cuts of between 300,000 and 500,000 per year, and we assumed the cuts would be applied proportionally to each race and ethnicity based on their forecast representation in the immigrant population. The 300,000 estimate from NumbersUSA comes from projections of the Trump administration’s plan to cut several kinds of family-based immigration visas — those for siblings (65,000 visas annually), those for adult children (another 50,000) and those for adult parents of immigrants (another 125,000). NumbersUSA also projects a 55,000 reduction in annual visas awarded from the elimination of the diversity visa lottery.


That Bob Dylan rewrite moved me to tears. ;_;

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I think Kelly’s comment was one of the more offensive statements to come out of the WH lately. I really bristled when I heard. It also made me wonder what Kelly Ann was up to. Her comments are generally the most offensive ones but I haven’t heard much from her lately. Did somebody impose a gag rule on her?

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I’ve noticed the same thing. It’s kinda nice, actually…

I pray to God you’re wrong about the years. I don’t think I’m going to be able to handle 3 mire years of the anger, the stress, and the bitterness I have towards all the people who are not actively trying to get him out of power as soon as possible. I even wonder if he is paying people off in return for their" loyalty". I had such high hopes that Kelley might reign him in and instead I learn that he’s willing to ignore claims of abusive behavior towards women unless there’s a picture to prove it. But then Trump’s vile statements and behaviour have gained passive acceptance so why am I surprised that his chief of staff operates the same way? And the mere thought of this is turning my stomach. I wonder if sales of valium and Imodium have increased in the past year? I’m envisioning a new diagnosis in the next DSM. Trump induced stress disorder.

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I’m with you, Amy, but I do NOT think he lasts that long…not much more than a year, I hope & have to believe for the sake of my peace of mind. It’s hard to watch & yet impossible to look away.

For the most part I think he’s too cheap to pay anyone for their loyalty…he relies on dirt & complicity.

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It’ll likely happen, but not before a bunch of legal shit that drags this out another year or two. :disappointed:

Re “what could go wrong [with him testifying]-?” :lying_face: Hmm? I wonder? :lying_face:

My personal take: Trump goes all four years, fails to earn the Republican nomination in 2020, and somewhere in there the investigation, trial, etc. all continue to hang a cloud over everything. I’m no wonk and not particularly insightful about how this shit works – just being real that legal dramas involving politicians (and presidents in particular) tend to take forever.

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Hubby and I talk about this a lot. I think He goes 4 years and loses 2020. In the end … could be 5 years down the road, Don has money laundering charges brought against him by the State of NY. Can’t escape that one.