WTF Community

Day 384

Updated 2/7/2018 1:36 PM PST

1/ Senate leaders struck a budget deal to increase defense and domestic spending by about $315 billion over two years and add $90 billion more in disaster aid for victims of recent hurricanes and wildfires. The agreement also includes a four-year extension for the Children's Health Insurance Program, in addition to the six-year extension that Congress approved last month. Sarah Huckabee Sanders said the White . House supported the packing, calling it "steps forward." A vote on the plan in the Senate could come as soon as this afternoon. (New York Times / Washington Post)

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Hey, sorry for the delay in todayā€™s update. I had some stuff to sort out that was out of my control.


Thereā€™s a great deal of irony here given that Pelosi (who is 77) just broke the record for longest ever recorded House speech - holding the floor for 8+ hrs in support of DACA. The 2nd longest was 5 hrs and 15 mins in 1909.


On the Military Paradeā€¦ interesting angle from Politico.


Let me clarify, Iā€™m not ā€œlikingā€ what trump is doing (wasting money on a stupid parade instead of on infrastructure or other important things), only liking that you called attention to it. I think we have to
expect such things from him, heā€™s not acting in the best interest of our countryā€¦itā€™s so so obvious.

Note that this was written by a former speechwriter for George H.W. Bush.

What the hell is it with the military being lauded as this marvelous, wonderful institution that deserves praise and accolades forā€¦ for what? Neo-imperialism? Budgetary bloat and waste?

Just because itā€™s a money pit does not mean itā€™s glamorous and prestigious. This politico piece is fanservice for Trump, trying to make it seem ā€œnormalā€ to enjoy it, and cast its critics as outliers. (Just those silly Democrats, who arenā€™t allowed to comment on wasteful spending, because they donā€™t push for smaller budgets!)

This article steams my hams.

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No doubt Zilla, I concurā€¦ Itā€™s definitely from Trumpā€™s side / viewpoint.
And Lynn, Trump is definitely playing for a win, for himā€¦ everyone else loses.

Will this angle work for him?

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One nice thing about getting older, Sally- it frees you to do things that you might have been intimidated to try at an earlier time in your life, when you were busy fearing ā€œwhat will people think or say about me?ā€.
By the time you get a little older, you realize youā€™re running out of time to make a difference, and thatā€™s way more important than your critics. History takes the long viewā€¦

Pssst: Itā€™s a ā€œboys clubā€. :wink: And trump is just looking for a chance to puff himself up, & to make it harder for the average American (that hasnā€™t been following the whole ā€˜Russiaā€™ scandal) to believe that he could have done something so un-American & traitorous, as weā€™re approaching the moment for Mueller to interview him & for him to react with either answers or taking the 5th. As usual, heā€™s just a salesman & heā€™s hoping that the majority remains gullible.

Lynn. Iā€™ve definitely found that true in my dotage. No threshold for BS!

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Thatā€™s life, no apology needed.

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I thought it was incredible even before you reminded me that sheā€™s 77 years of age. Iā€™m impressed.
That takes some serious passion & sheer stamina.


Also, girl did it in 4-inch heels! :selfie:t3: :high_heel:



Think about it! In addition, Rosa DeLauro is 74. Dianne Feinstein is 84. Hillary Clinton is 70. Dynamic women who arenā€™t afraid to stir the pot.