WTF Community

Day 396

Updated 2/19/2018 9:29 AM PST

1/ March For Our Lives: Students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school are calling for a march on Washington and a national walkout to demand action on gun control and challenge the politicians that have failed to protect them following the shooting that left 17 dead. The March 24th call to action intends to bring attention to school safety, ask lawmakers to enact gun control, and "demand that their lives and safety become a priority and that we end this epidemic of mass school shootings." They're encouraging students from around the country to encourage them to join the protest. (Reuters / ABC News / March For Our Lives)

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More inspiring than the Olympics (IMO) is this young woman’s response to the BS going on:

This is sorta long but worth every minute to listen; I was just saying (after this latest school shooting) that I thought the high school students need to be protesting, marching & embarrassing all the “deaf” law-makers still on the take from NRA (& there’s PLENTY of them, mostly GOP) and still sitting on their thumbs instead of enacting changes to the laws, and I’m just so proud of this young woman! No more silence! No more acceptance of “the inevitable”!


Ladies and gentlemen, the law and order party.


More like “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels”. At least that would be my “sanitized” name for it.

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