WTF Community

Day 405

Well said!

As CNN likes to say…In breaking news, Hope Hicks resigns!!

A deal with Mueller certainly doesn’t sound that outlandish at this point.

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Me neither! But I stand by calling him “twittler” for the way he sows disrespect & hate, even if that’s an upgrade?

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Oh sure, just a coincidence. :smirk:

That would be my guess, it sounds like a trump directive to me too.

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Don’t take this the wrong way, but I long for the day when this site is no longer relevant. :slight_smile:

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So many shoes dropping, like it’s an octopus. Hicks resigns, Gates cops a plea, Manafort pleads Not Guilty (prison preferred over Russian assassination), Kushner is called out, fraud is rampant ($26m for an Inauguration Designer? Flying 1st class because the public hates you?), rumors of firings, infighting (Javanka vs. Kelly), DJT half-heartedly taking on the NRA, and on and on and on. The last refuge they have left is to try and divert the populace over to the Deep State conspiracies and supposed FISA violations, which, like everything else, has no basis in truth or reality. To the casual observer, it sort of looks like the whole thing is going to collapse onto itself before Mueller even has a chance to indict a single Trump. And it does seem that Mueller has plenty of evidence of collusion or conspiracy with Russia and WikiLeaks. Along with the secondary avenue of Money Laundering, it should make everyone question how we can allow a person to be president if they have a criminal background.?

Hicks saying she’s been thinking of leaving for months…

Hasn’t she only been in her role for a few months?

Officially, yes. But I believe she has been considered the Trump whisperer for a while.

My hope for the future (after this nightmare) is that we seriously vet any & all candidates…this NEVER should have gotten this far! It has exposed a great many vulnerabilities in our government that we can & must fix A.S.A.P. in life after trump. One thing: we must pass a law for full financial disclosures by candidates…no disclosure, no campaign. When things get serious, they all must pre-qualify for security clearance (TS+), don’t you think? No clearance, no go!

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Yes, I thought that this was a given. I think you’re right, the electorate not insisting on seeing his tax returns was foolish. So dangerous what’s happening right now, a Constitutional Crisis, by Mueller indicting or uncovering Trump’s crimes, seems like the least of my worries right now.

I hope that if Mueller finds illegal activity, it will be pursued regardless of whether Trump is still in office or not. I have to assume that would be the case since they’re investigating his business dealings long before he ran for President. Of course, those may have been the preamble to all that’s happened since his campaign started. But a crime is a crime. Trump wouldn’t necessarily be impeached at that point, but he should still be brought before a judge (preferably one he’s insulted) and punished in some appropriate manner. There’s always the possibility that he might just hit the road and move the entire Trump empire to Moscow at that point. I’m sure they’d offer him asylum.

Almost 3 years - she’s been with him since the start of the campaign and worked for Ivanka before that.

This is the crux of my issues with Trump. I guess Barnum T. Bailey (sic?) made a decent living from selling tickets to shows full of animal cruelty, but that doesn’t make it right. And Trump and Manafort and all that money laundering, it’s all well and fine if the future of the planet isn’t weighing in the balance, but since it is, we ought to hold their feet to the fire. But let him resign, let Pence try and pick up the pieces, I think the swing back to a Democratic majority in Congress will be swift and convincing. If it’s not, well, Canada & Australia are on the short list.

I often wonder though if I was an old fool to believe that Bernie Sanders had a shot at being President. Talk about absurd, a really, really old person who had the heart and passion of a 40 year old, as President? Call me naive, but he resonates with me…

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You aren’t the only one. I get the feeling he’s honest, caring & ethical…how I wish he’d have won! I don’t think he was sharper than Clinton on international stuff, but unlike trump, he’d have actually had all the best people advising him and he’d have listened. Where I really think he shot himself in the foot was when he called himself a Socialist…I think so many were raised negatively equating that with Communism and didn’t really listen or understand what he was saying from then on. What a shame.

POTUS is such a challenging role (just look how much it ages people) that I’d prefer a somewhat younger person filling the job, but a perfect person is hard to find. So instead, we as a nation went screaming in the totally opposite direction & hired the worst nightmare ever.

Odd how many people “associate” socialist with Russia yet the Trumpers don’t seem concerned with Trumps ties to Russia.

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It’s beyond “odd”…I call it frightening. Our citizens aren’t as educated as they once were, nor as they seem to think they still are. So many are easily manipulated, especially when you mix in religion, which was evil-genius on the part of Republicans. And let’s not forget a big shout-out to the NRA.


I agree. I served in the military in the early 70’s I can tell you there was no question about who we considered a primary enemy and concern and it wasn’t the folks in SE Asia where the active war was going on. I often wonder today that if we needed citizens to put on a uniform and actively defend their country, where would they come from? The “crap” Trump feeds the public is causing serious malnutrition from a knowledge standpoint.