WTF Community

Day 511

1/ Attorney General William Barr told the Jan. 6 committee that Trump had “become detached from reality” while pursing efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election results. “Before the election it was possible to talk sense to the president,” Barr said. “After the election, he didn’t seem to be listening.” Barr’s testimony, shown at the panel’s second public hearing, portrayed Trump as refusing to believe that the results were legitimate. “I was somewhat demoralized,” Barr said, “because I thought, ‘Boy, if he really believes this stuff, he has, you know, lost contact with — he’s become detached from reality if he really believes this stuff.’” Former Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien also told the committee that Trump’s world had divided into “Team Crazy” vs. “Team Normal” Despite repeatedly being advised against pursuing claims that the election was stolen, Trump pressed ahead and raised $250 million from supporters for the so-called the “Official Election Defense Fund” – which has never actually existed. Trump instead used the money to create the Save America PAC, sending millions of dollars to allies and former Trump officials. (New York Times / Los Angeles Times / Politico / Washington Post / Bloomberg / CNBC)

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