WTF Community

Day 546

1/ Biden is reportedly planning to declare a national climate emergency in an effort to advance his environmental agenda that Joe Manchin has twice sabotaged. After Manchin torpedoed Democratic efforts to pass robust climate change legislation last week, Biden said he would take “strong executive action” on climate, but didn’t provide details. White House officials, however, said Biden will announce new steps to combat climate change on Wednesday, but will stop short of declaring a national emergency. The White House said Biden’s address will focus on “tackling the climate crisis and seizing the opportunity of a clean energy future to create jobs and lower costs for families.” An emergency declaration would unlock billions of federal dollars and give Biden broad executive powers to spend federal funds on clean energy projects, restrict oil drilling, and curb fossil fuel use. More than 100 million Americans are currently under heat advisories or warnings. The U.K., meanwhile, recorded its highest ever temperature for the second day in a row, prompting British officials to declare the first-ever “red” warning for extreme heat in England. (Washington Post / New York Times / Bloomberg / Associated Press / CNN / Politico)

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