WTF Community

Day 57

1/ Biden discouraged potential migrants hoping to enter the United States, saying “don’t come […] don’t leave your town or city or community.” More than 13,000 unaccompanied migrant children are currently in U.S. custody and the country is on pace to stop more migrants crossing the border than in the last 20 years. When asked whether he should give a clear message to people looking to cross the border, considering some say they were motivated to come because of Biden’s stance on immigration, Biden said “we’re sending back people” who cross the border. Republicans, meanwhile, have blamed the surge of migrants and unaccompanied minors at the southern border on Biden rescinding Trump’s immigration policies, including a program that returned asylum seekers to wait in Mexico while their cases were being considered. (ABC News / CBS News / CNN / The Guardian / USA Today)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

The Cop Who Said The Spa Shooter Had A “Bad Day” Previously Posted A Racist Shirt Blaming China For The Pandemic

Capt. Jay Baker shared a photo of a T-shirt he got on Facebook, saying that the coronavirus was imported from “CHY-NA.”


The QAnonsense right has been trying to push the idea that Joe Biden is not the real president for some time.

Their latest “proof” is a South Lawn interview conspiracy theorists claim was faked with a green screen.


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