WTF Community

Day 792

Got some links to share for context/reference?

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All I have right now is the tweet he made about 37 minutes ago:

EDIT: Reuters has this, but it has very little more info. This seems to be some new breaking weirdness: Trump decides against more North Korea sanctions at this time: source | Reuters

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There it is!


Huge Climate Change related tragedy:

300 to 400 dead have washed up along a road in Mozambique as a new IN-LAND OCEAN visible from SPACE has formed after the cyclone that struck there.

They’re saying it’s like nothing they’ve ever seen before.

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Further to the report linked by @Windthin here is the Guardian account of the massive devastation following what is being reported as likely to be the most deadliest ever cyclone in the southern hemisphere:

Whilst Idai was ranked at a lower category than many other cyclones the devastation it caused was not so much from its windspeed but from the rainfall it carried over a parched land.


:rotating_light::rotating_light::rotating_light: Robert Mueller submitted his full report on Trump and Russia to the attorney general

Here’s all the coverage from major outlets that we’ve seen so far:




Barr’s letter


I am hearing the claim Barr has said Trump can review the report and assert executive privilege in some parts. So far it just seems to be cable news speculation, though; when I asked the person who told me, they couldn’t give me a link. Mostly discussion. That letter leaves things more ambiguous. Interesting.

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Where are you hearing that? Let’s always cite our sources

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This story?

The White House waved their right to claim executive privilege when they agreed to cooperate with the investigation.

No, apparently current speculation on CNN, likely just reacting. Though my friend is often a bit behind me on seeing things, so it could be.

Apologies on not citing, I wasn’t sure if there was anything TO cite. When I did searches I didn’t find anything, but I am distracted today.

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Three SDNY chiefs say Trump can be indicted Line crossed: Three SDNY chiefs say Trump can be indicted

I found this series of tweets by Seth Abramson a good summary of what it all means.


The special counsel is not recommending any further indictments, according to a senior Justice Department official.

Special counsel Robert Mueller will not be recommending any further indictments in his Russia investigation, a senior Justice Department official said on Friday.


Marcie Wheeler has some thoughts via Twitter thread. Click tweet to see full thread. :point_down:

I think it’s safe to assume therory 1 until more evidence from the actual report presents itself. What do you all think?


I’ve seen some abject grief from people that the special counsel probably won’t issue any more indictments, like this is the end. It is so clearly not the end. It’s the beginning.


Definitely just the beginning. I think many don’t understand how that works.

On a lighter note, Trump put razor wire up at the border as a stupid PR stunt.

Residents of Tijuana are stealing it.

I can’t stop laughing at the idiocy.


While we were all distracted by Muller, Stephen Moore seems like the most terrifying news of the day. Guardian is pretty bleak. Any more background on this guy?