WTF Community

Day 880

1/ Trump threatened to arrest and deport "millions of illegal aliens" next week. The action is not for people who have been in the country long term, but focused on recent arrivals who skipped court dates. There are an estimated 12 million immigrants who are in the U.S. illegally. Of those, a senior administration official estimated that over "1 million" undocumented immigrants "have been issued final deportation orders by federal judges yet remain at large in the country." A senior administration official said the department is still in the planning phase. (Washington Post / Politico / ABC News / CNN / NPR / Reuters)

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Soon…T’s kick off for his re-election

keep an eye on Daniel Dale (@ddale8) Toronto Star and Fact Checker extraordinaire.

Looks like he is working with CNN. :grinning:


I’m just going to leave this here…


Something else that happened today that I didn’t see in the bulletin–even as the 2020 campaign kicked off in Orlando with a big rally, the editorial board of the Orlando Sentinel endorsed “Not Trump” for the 2020 election. There are write-ups in a number of places, including Politico.



UN expert on arbitrary executions says Saudi Arabia is responsible for the murder of Jamal #Khashoggi, with “credible evidence” that Mohammed “Bone Saw” bin Salman ordered the hit. The report calls for sanctions on MbS’s personal assets.

U.N. investigator’s report on Khashoggi killing: “… Every expert consulted finds it inconceivable that an operation of this scale could be implemented without the Crown Prince [Mohammed bin Salman] being aware, at a minimum, that some sort of mission … was being launched.”

Jamal Khashoggi was the victim of a “deliberate, premeditated execution,” and Saudi Arabia was responsible, UN investigation into his death concludes. Khashoggi was injected with a sedative and his head then put inside a plastic bag suffocating him, it found.

“Joints will be separated,” one Saudi agent said 13 minutes before Khashoggi arrived. “First time I cut on the ground. If we take plastic bags and cut it into pieces, it will be finished.” They called Khashoggi “sacrificial animal."

Also, this, entirely unrelated except that Donnie sure seems to cherrypick this terrorist regimes:


This is new…

Federal authorities are investigating whether Deutsche Bank complied with laws meant to stop money laundering and other crimes, the latest government examination of potential misconduct at one of the world’s largest and most troubled banks, according to seven people familiar with the inquiry.

The investigation includes a review of Deutsche Bank’s handling of so-called suspicious activity reports that its employees prepared about possibly problematic transactions, including some linked to President Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, according to people close to the bank and others familiar with the matter.

The criminal investigation into Deutsche Bank is one element of several separate but overlapping government examinations into how illicit funds flow through the American financial system, said five of the people, who were not authorized to speak publicly about the inquiries. Several other banks are also being investigated.


The Justice Department has been investigating Deutsche Bank since 2015, when agents were examining its role in laundering billions of dollars for wealthy Russians through a scheme known as mirror trading. Customers would use the bank to convert Russian rubles into dollars and euros via a complicated series of stock trades in Europe and the United States.

In early 2017, federal and state regulators in the United States and British authorities imposed hundreds of millions of dollars in civil penalties on Deutsche Bank for that misconduct, but prosecutors never brought a criminal case against the bank. That led some senior Deutsche Bank executives to believe they were in the clear, according to people familiar with their thinking.

By last fall, though, federal agents were investigating a wider range of anti-money-laundering lapses and other possible misconduct at the bank.


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Thread of Daniel Dale’s tweets/corrections


Thanks for including the Fascism history piece in the Encyclopedia Brittanica @anon95374541

Worth noting a LOT of similarities with what we see being setting up in T’s world -an autocratic government - by defying rule of law; prejudice towards ‘other;’ fear of socialism (socialistic ideals - OBAMA Care, eliminate unions or workers rights); preserve the upper middle class elites; shut down free press or freedom of speech; imprison those who are ‘other’ or who protest; get the governing circle small to control more power; suggest longer ruling terms - more than 4 years. etc.

And let out the goon squads at rallies…see who’s showing up at the T announcement today. :exploding_head:

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@elektra any links?

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