WTF Community

Matt's Secret Project

Ehhhhhh, a mass email seems really invasive. I think it’d be better to mention contributions to something like this in the newsletter and direct responses (not contributions, just yes I would like to participate/hell no) to a thread on the forum. Someone on staff could then curate the responses privately (along with whatever identifying info/lack thereof contributors wanted attached to their stories), which saves a whole load of issues with privacy etc.

If we do that and then periodically put stuff together for publishing, we could get started with anything people want to send us now and work out publishing-related stuff as we go.


The NYT did a pretty good job of publishing stories about his business dealings and history in NYC. Trump supporters don’t take the Times seriously nor the GOP I believe. His business affairs were not stellar.


Lots of good ideas here. Thanks everybody!

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What happened to “secret”? :rofl:

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When I said legal waiver that’s what I had in mind. I believe it’s customary to request writers to surrender rights to the item if it’s accepted for publication. My daughter is forever submitting freelance items for publication so I’ll see if she can send me a copy of what she’s had to sign in the past.

An additional thought would be whether we need to mention the various resources that are used as sources for WTF content. The rule of thumb is if something is in the public domain and widely recognized, you can use info without violating intellectual property laws. I suppose that’s the benefit of using two sources per blurb in the newsletter. @Matt - has there ever been any intellectual property questions about you using links from major publications? I teach online and I know we can use links but we’re directed to avoid quotations and even paraphrasing without APA citations.

As for contacting people: @Matt - when you asked for donations to keep the newsletter going, did you ask in the newsletter or in a separate email? I don’t even remember anymore. Do you have any metrics on how many people actually view the newsletter each day? I would wonder whether those who were active in these discussions in the early days are still lurking in these threads or whether they’ve moved on.

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Yeh…I had wondered about that, too. I hijacked the secret project but Matt obviously had an idea for something. @Matt - when are you going to share?

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Apologies in advance for the fact that this will drift a little far away from the specific project you proposed.
It’s true that as the world of publishing undergoes rapid change, people are being asked more and more frequently to give up copyright. But as a published writer, I think long and hard before agreeing to do so, and wish others would do so as well. Many people don’t realize the implications of giving away the rights to their work.
In fact, I was shocked to learn when my son was in school that the students were asked to submit their papers through an online portal that required them to surrender copyright. What?!? He ended up approaching each professor and securing permission to email his work instead, specifically to get around that requirement–and every one was willing to accommodate him. But that means the rest of the student body was giving up the copyright to everything they submitted while enrolled there. Not okay.


No need to apologize. I think it’s healthy to challenge assumptions and explore possibilities. But to your point - every major company I’ve ever worked for has required employees to sign a waiver, giving the company rights to any work done while employed by them. P & G, Ralston Purina, and several Universities. There was always a question whether work you did that was private would fall under that waiver and in one case, I believe it did. And if you do any research work as faculty, that doesn’t belong to you either; it’s the property of the University.

I wasn’t aware of the student requirement. My daughter does a lot of creative writing and is a published poet. Several things she’s submitted were written while an undergrad. Maybe the rules were different because there was no online portal or competitions were acceptable. These days, so many kids blog online and may often include something they wrote while in school. I wonder whether it makes a difference if you are not seeking some kind of financial remuneration, although those poetry contests always came with a cash prize.

Also, consider what happened with Karen McDougal, the Playboy model who was the victim of the cash and kill strategy of the National Enquirer. For a wannabe writer, that’s death. My daughter has to be very selective about who she sends her writing to because once she’s paid even $1, she surrenders rights to her writing and can never submit it to another publication. And that story or poem, no matter how good, may never see the light of day. In a writer’s case, it’s not an effort to kill a story but just overly ambitious plans for a publication. The editors may just accept more than they’ll need in order to have a good inventory to choose from.

To be honest, if WTF-ers wanted to move forward with the project and were willing to submit personal reflections, I see no reason to ask them to sign away their rights. I’m sure that if they took it to another publisher and it came out that the reflection had appeared in a book, no editor would touch it. But what are the chances that a personal reflection on life during Trump’s presidency would be in high demand? I’m personally interested in such a project, but it remains to be seen whether the general public would have enough interest. Of course, there’s always self-publishing; I know a bit about it. But that’s another subject for another post!


This is not the project I’ve teased, though this might be a worthy future project. I do, however, appreciate everybody’s enthusiasm for it.

That said, I’m more interested in the framework for “essays” documenting this period in time.

A few questions off the top of my head worth considering:

  • What purpose do they serve and who is qualified to write them?
  • How important is the essay having a unique insight of particular point of view?
  • Should this be a WTF-only collection or a should outside voices be included?
  • How do we ensure equal representation of perspective, people, and experiences?
  • What differentiates this from, say, a personal blog?
  • etc etc etc

Let’s start there and see where things go.

And, while I do enjoy a good conversation about copyright and intellectual property, this discussion is a little cart before the horse. For whatever it’s worth, my personal opinion is that people should be compensated for their work. Sometimes that compensation isn’t financial.

Also, a book is something I’d love to do at some point. It’s not, however, something I’m currently pursuing. So let’s table that…


Perhaps someone should create an Off Topic thread to countinue the discussion of other and future projects?


Good idea. @Amy0204 you seem to be taking the lead on this so far. Do you want to create a new topic, focused on the idea of essays/journals/reactions?

I’m going to close this thread.


I completely agree and have wanted to something along these lines for a while now, but right now it comes down to issues with time and resources. Also, lol @ Matt having spare time

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I might be. It looks as if I’m going to have some time on my hands as of the end of April so could get it started. Is there a way to get in touch with anybody who has ever signed up for WTF? I would also consider browsing old posts and see if there’s merit in any of them but would obviously need to get the OK first. A mass emailing might be easiest. The only other issue that pops into my mind would be some kind of legal waiver for people who contribute. You wouldn’t happen to have access to an attorney who gives you advice on WTF?


Matt, a book deal for you to assemble the daily facts from day one to end of term, or year to year, is an excellent idea, IMHA. Hmmm, sounds like a secret project worth considering. Hey, even a pre- election history of Mr.T. (apologies to the real one).
Gee, mebbie if the Republican voters had been able to read about the history of him and of his family, things would be different today…mebbie.

Did you know that there’s an update via Alexa (Amazon Echo) every day? Alexa does a flash briefing and you can add anything you want. So my day begins with the local weather, word of the day, NPR news report, an inspirational quote which is never inspirational, a food tip from the Food Network and the WTF update. That’s generally enough to get me dressed, make the bed, and have a cup of coffee. But you can put anything you want to on your briefing. Amazon is now making Alexa available for cell phones. I believe it’s free but I don’t know if there are limitations on functionality. This is going to be their new way of getting orders; they are encouraging people to place them through Alexa and avoid the hassle of the Internet.


I should do a better job of highlighting this… it already exists :joy:


I knew the podcast existed. I listened a couple of times, but I usually like to read the brief the day of, not listen to it the next day. It would be cool to have a podcast with some more in-depth reporting, though (you know, like in your spare time) :smile:

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Tell me more!