WTF Community

Trying something new: Become the Media

I’m going to start posting a link to a collaborative document every morning, called an Etherpad. It’s like a Google Doc, but different.

I hope you’ll help me write the daily WTFJHT update by contributing links to important stories, writing summary blurbs, copyediting stuff – whatever. It’s an experiment in community-powered news.


Matt, I’m assuming that you won’t necessarily publish all the links that are contributed. Will the etherpad be left standing at the end of the day so that those who are curious can find those stories that you may not have thought worthy of including in WTFJHT? Also, is the etherpad organized in any specific way or does one just add to the list? Can you have distinct categories so that our suggested links don’t get lost among all of the links? Maybe I’m overly optimistic but I could see where a lot of people may find interesting links and all of a sudden the etherpad becomes overwhelming to deal with. I’m looking forward to see what people dredge up. Are there any “rules” for suitable contributions?

is this still a thing?

No. It was a fun experiment, but ultimately it took a lot more effort than anticipated. Sharing links in the forum is the way to go. Maybe we’ll bring it back someday

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It’s just a scratch pad anybody can contribute to. I’ll leave it up and start fresh every day. If it’s abused, I’ll just take it down. This shouldn’t be seen as a public resource for neat links or whatever – more of a way for people in the community to share something useful with me for consideration in wtfjht. At least that’s the idea!


cool. more trouble than help haha makes sense