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What The Fuck Is #ReleaseTheMemo?

Have you ever wondered how less-evolved civilizations ever came up with the punishment of stoning a person to death? :zipper_mouth_face: (oops)

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Surprised there’s no thread about this yet. I keep hearing about this supposed bombshell memo that purports to reveal some sort of huge leftist conspiracy against the Trump campaign but it just sounds like a whole lot of hot air.

So, what’s really in the memo? Shocking revelations? Hillary’s missing emails? The piss tape? Mitch McTurtle’s shopping list?

ETA: Thanks, mods for collapsing these discussions into a single thread.

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Alex Jones purportedly “leaked” the memo. Yeah, about that…


The words I would use to describe Hannity may not yet have been created, not sure what dictionary they would come from. Anyway since my spouse watches Fox News on occasion I have to endure/listen to Hannity in the background. I think Fox News is a threat to the country, such BS they spread. If you don’t know who Hannity is The NY Times Magazine did a front page piece several months ago I suspect you can find it. He isn’t a journalist, he’s an entertainer and makes millions between his radio shows and Fox program. He’s a big advocate of the military but I’m not sure he ever served. I find it hard to listen to him when I can’t turn him off. I hear Trump supporters quoting Fox News a lot they actually believe his BS.

How can another opinion be a threat to the country?

Hannity presents his information as “facts” there is little if any attempt to show that two sides of a topic are being presented. I’ve seen similar tactics by other Fox News presenters. Individuals I know who watch Fox News present information back to others as “factual” thus spreading misleading information. This is not a good way to form a basis for decision making in a democratic society thus I conclude they are a threat to the country.

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Here’s The Memo, what do you all think?

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I skimmed over it.

Maybe it’s because basically everything The Memo™ purported to say had been already discussed in over the past few days, but my first thought was “that’s it?”.

Maybe I’m missing something, but I really didn’t see anything that’s new or shocking. Just a lot of inconclusive speculation and opinions presented as facts.

Oh, and it’s all centered on Carter fucking Page.

I mean, who the fuck is that guy?


Yeah this really just seems like the same whiny half-baked talking points they’ve been on about since the beginning. I’m not seeing what is so controversial, other than this being part of the “case” to try and get rid of Mueller and/or Rosenstein.

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I had my own “that’s it” moment. I was hoping for new information. :confused: Carter page and the “dossier” are only two tiny pieces in a much larger puzzle.

I want explainations for the hack of DNC servers by 2 Russian intelligence agencies and the release of that info to Wikileaks. Don Jr.’s communications with Wikileaks via Twitter DM’s. George Papadopoulos’s contacts with the Russians. Michael Flynn’s negotiations with the Russian ambassador. The Trump Tower meeting. The resulting statement about the Trump Tower meeting issued by Don Jr that was allegedly written by the President and WH aides. Firing of FBI Director James Comey.

Disappointed and now we will have to watch the executive branch eat it’s own tail for weeks until this memo story dies.


McCain’s statement on the memo is quite remarkable.


A nice point by the WaPo fact checker @GlennKesslerWP


Since Carter Page is at the heart of this memo - important to remember his relationship with Russia+FBI dates back to 2013, way before he entered Trump’s orbit.


Good for McCain

All that rhetoric is nice, McCain, but you won’t vote for legislation to protect Mueller?


Happy Memo-Real Day everyone :smirk:

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I agree with everything his statement has said, but unfortunately McCain’s words ring hollow for me.

He has done this time and time again: says something progressive sounding that riles up the right, and gets those of us on the left excited that he may actually do something to cement his reputation as a so-called “maverick”. But, whenever it comes time to actually vote on an issue that’s important to the left, he ends up being just another partisan Trump/GOP flunky. Remember, when he was the dramatic deciding vote that defeated the ACA repeal last year, it was over procedural quibbles, not over the substance of the bill.

So, while I agree with the words in his statement, I don’t expect him to actually do anything to follow through with these words.

I sure wouldn’t count on it. (See above.)

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This is my theory on the “anti-Trump” GOPers, which has held true so far:

I believe if legislation was proposed (which it hasn’t been given a vote yet) to protect Mueller he would vote for it – in June 2017 he said firing Mueller would be “explosive” and in November 2017 when asked about the potentially firing of Mueller, he said “I would oppose…and so would the American people”. (ThinkProgress)

He also hasn’t been in Washington the past several weeks, he’s been in AZ for his cancer treatment. So he hasn’t been asked to go on the record about his stance recently. Megan McCain was on Colbert the other night and mentioned that she hopes her “dad is better soon, so he can get back to Washington to stand up to Trump”.

Lindsay Graham (who is BFF with McCain and less of a Russia hawk than McCain is) went on record the other day saying he’d be “glad to pass it tomorrow” referring to the legislation he co-sponsored with Cory Booker to protect Mueller; in addition to saying that firing Mueller “it would be the end of President Trump’s presidency if he fired Mr. Mueller” (Vox). There’s also Graham’s infamous qoute: “there will be holy hell to pay (if Trump fires Mueller)”

Both seem to allude to the fact many of us know: if Trump fires Mueller the public outcry would be astronomical and we’ll likely be in a constitutional crisis.