WTF Community

WTF Community Coronavirus Self-Care Guide

With the bombardment of awful news and dismal predictions, I decided to create a Facebook page that would focus on the good in the world. The Good In Us shines a light on good people doing good things, good humour, inspiration, creative people doing amazing things, and anything that shows there is still magic in the world.

I feel it’s not only important, but crucial that we know about the many shining lights in the midst of all the darkness – not only for our mental health but also to recognise the extraordinary and ordinary people in our midst who are reaching out at this time.


wrong area to post…a stress creating post!

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A friend on twitter posted this:

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I debated where to post this but finally decided it really is one of my self-care things I look forward to on a weekly basis. Election Profit Makers is an outstanding podcast, very intelligent and funny and engaging, and a way to keep informed but still maintain sanity in this crazy election year. Here is the latest episode, but it’s actually fun to listen to all their eps, even if technically “outdated” just b/c the banter btwn the three friends is entertaining so here is the first ep of their new season in case you want to start there.


Thanks dragonfly9. I am a progressive minister and will share some of this with my congregation. A wise collection of thoughts.


Fantastic Shares. I’ve got a course I created a while ago that applies to now…

How to Overcome Fear of the Unknown. Feel free to give it away and grab it for yourself if it’s helpful.

I’m also doing FB lives every night at 5pm pacific - Fearless You FB Group. They are focused on moving forward and staying centered and sane…

In the past 30 days, I’ve spoken to 40 groups as an extra voice of support during this crisis…feel free to reach out at [email protected]

Seriously, happy to talk to any group. Pure give.

If I can support your community, I’m here…if I can support you, I’m here.

THANK YOU Matt! I love WTF! Thank you for creating what you did and may we spread the goodness to our communities…

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Under the topic of eating and drinking: to fight viruses in general here are two powerful things: sauerkraut, as little as 1 Tbsp a day, Also any other fermented veggies. And elderberry tincture (usually called elderberry syrup). I make my own sauerkraut, it’s very easy. The tincture I can’t make (thought it’s easy) because we don’t have elderberries growing around us. Online herb store may be out of it, big demand, but it is spring and new supplies should be coming in. Check out Susun Weed online for lots more free info on this and other medicinal herbs, what she calls the “people’s medicine”. She’ been doing it for 50 years.

This is an amazing list–the best one I’ve seen so far that addresses the many areas of stress, anxiety, self-care, and control (or lack thereof). I co-edit a newsletter at work–mostly focused on our recent program launches but the entire “back page” dedicated to quarantine coping. Can I use this with proper citation?


Go ahead…I got it from a friend who I grew up with, and she writes on her FB post below. No name attributed though.
"Some good advice from a psychologist (a friend of a friend) for you and your children. Be safe! :purple_heart:

After having thirty-one sessions this week with patients where the singular focus was COVID-19 and how to cope, I decided to consolidate my advice and make a list that I hope is helpful to all. I can’t control a lot of what is going on right now, but I can contribute this. "


Hey…want to see some free Quarantine concerts from Jorma Kaukonen (Hot Tuna, Jefferson Airplane) - Saturday nites 5p PST/8 EST - then repeats on YouTube - So far there have been 6 concerts…acoustic guitar and accompanied with a few other guitar players. Lots of music lore chit chat…and what guitar he’s using etc…and straight from Fur Peace Ranch.

Tonight was No. #6…but I just went to concert #5 because #6 dropped off. Listen for yourself.


Something uplifting to watch… 2 mins.

From Murmuration -Islands and Rivers :grinning:

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Here is a collaboration between US Defense and NZ Defence Forces of a Classic NZ Maori waiata " Tūtira mai ngā iwi"

New Zealand’s lockdown has had all sorts of unexpected results - but one of the more surprising is a musical partnership between the New Zealand and United States armed forces.

Performers from the navy, army and airforce bands have together produced a version of the waiata Tūtira mai ngā iwi and posted it to YouTube.

The song’s composer was Wiremu Te Tau Huata who was a New Zealand military chaplain to the 28th Maori Battalion. His whānau gave permission for the waiata to be used.

One of the drivers of the project was Staff Sergeant Bryan Andrews of the US Air Force Band of the Pacific.

He told Morning Report that his band usually travel all over the Pacific performing for various audiences. They were supposed to send a team to New Zealand in April but the trip was cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Tutira mai nga iwi

Maori Songs

Tūtira mai ngā iwi,
tātou tātou e
Tūtira mai ngā iwi,
tātou tātou e
Whai-a te marama-tanga,
me te aroha - e ngā iwi!
Ki-a ko tapa tahi,
Ki-a ko-tahi rā
Tātou tātou e

Tā-tou tā-tou e E!!
Hi aue hei !!!

English Translation

Line up together people
All of us, all of us
Stand in rows people
All of us, all of us
Seek after knowledge
and love of others - everyone
Think as one
Act as one
All of us, all of us

All of us, All of us!!
Hi aue hei !!!


I love these, though maybe the red one is not the best of ideas…




I found this charming and relaxing. Out like a light—sometimes you just a comforting voice. @Windthin this might be your jam too.


Wow. This is neat. And yes, I love unusual and different music and the many ways it can be used. I find with so much time on my hands I am adding to my musical library again, though I need to do some sorting.


Do what they do…

The Washington Post: Top Stories | How Fauci, 5 other health specialists deal with covid-19 risks in their everyday lives


HoMa’s surf film festival is streaming online.

I loved the Canuck Riders, check it out in the link below. :call_me_hand:

Tonight @7pm H time watch Rising Tide with Zak Noyle, features up and coming Hawaiʻi’s filmmakers.




Go here for some paradise - multiple nature cams all around the world. :smile:


This caught my eye…and rings true.

Many find great relief being outdoors, hanging with sweet pets etc…but the level of anxiety and exhausting when might the present day confined centered life change? And how certain we can think ‘normal’ again.

The essay at the end goes for the absurd in some places but worth a read…

…hunt down joy was one method!!

None Of This Is Normal – Chuck Wendig: Terribleminds