WTF Community

Actually getting Trump out of the office

My brother, his wife, their daughter all live in Broward County and will definitely vote Rubio and Scott Out.


I’m so sorry! :hugs: Not much better where I am. Few of us (here on WTF) ever imagined our country this way, & yes, my hopes are on Mueller too.

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Laughing here, Lynn! And I’m only 30 miles from the Florida line.

I love Randy Bryce! I don’t live there but I’m thinking of donating anyway.


In this time of trouble, I remembered my dad’s advice to me 20 years ago about how he kept the facts straight during Clinton’s impeachment:

  • Don’t read articles with emotion-grabbing headlines
  • Subscribe to the New York Times
  • But don’t read about it in the New York Times unless the Washington Post says pretty much the same thing
  • Subscribe to the Washington Post…even if you don’t plan on reading it

Funny how some random thing someone tells you when you’re barely listening eventually crops up again. I followed his advice to the letter, and suddenly Republicans stopped calling me retarded for telling them that I’ve always read both sides of the story before deciding how I feel. The New York Times is honest, but often keeps sources anonymous - if the anonymous source was a Washington Insider, then of course people who think Fox News is journalism (rather than entertainment) would rather not believe the Times.

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It makes me feel better to know that I’ve been following your dads advice for some time (without even knowing it! lol).


yes, I think this is how the right felt about Obama. so weird of course, but there it is. But if you think their primary objective is to un-do every single thing Obama did in 8 years, WE can un-do what ever he does in 2. I am counting on winning back the house and impeding and further forward movement this corrupt administration intends.

I hear what you are saying. I try-very hard-to listen to Fox News, but if anyone on this blog can listen for any more than 5 minutes, is distorted on their thinking of ‘fair and balanced’. Anonymous sources have been around FOREVER. A person is not going to crucify himself by letting news identify him/her. One of the biggest ‘anonymous’ sources was Deep Throat. We did not know who he was for 30 years-and he was dying. If you want me to listen to your side of the story-first, tell the truth! Then discuss the ‘facts’ - not some made up conspiracy theory that means nothing in the overall discussion. Stop blaming other presidents-YOU are the president! Teflon Don will get his due.

Yes, Mueller is where my hope lies. That he was able to spring those 13 + 3 indictments on us without leaks shows how deep his talents go. He’s methodically making his case (please hurry). The mid-terms will help. But bottom line is that tRump is screwing us royally. I can’t imagine how much more damage he will do if he completes his term.


If you have a few dollars to spare I encourage all of us to support good candidates all over the nation. I’m in Illinois but I’m giving what I can in donations, social media exposure, post card writing… there are so many ways to help. Let’s get this done all over America !!! :raised_hands::statue_of_liberty::us::ocean:


Unfortunately you are not reading both sides of the story both are Left bias media sources

Times have changed and your dads advice of 20 years ago does not work today using those media sources. I do agree you should read both sides of the story but most people are so biased in their opinion that they will not do so.

I agree don’t read articles with emotion-grabbing headlines. That was great advice.

Would you support Mueller decision regardless of how it turns out?

Please see In Praise Of Bias

…and please refrain from repeating right wing media bias talking points.


I will. I genuinely hope Mueller is seeking the truth, whatever that may be.

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Matt I really enjoyed the video. What I don’t understand is your request “please refrain from repeating right wing media bias talking points”. On the page with the video link you state “My position is that humans making decisions about the relative importance of things is inherently biased. But I try to be transparent about my position on this with my editorial policy”.

If you believe that people are born with a bias I would disagree. Here is a good article on belief and how it is formed & used in medicine which can be used in all areas of life and not just medicine. The biochemistry of belief

All I stated was the everyone should read all information provided before making a decision. How does that make it a “right wing bias talking point”.

“But what really is the mind” is pretty far off-topic, so that can probably be dropped for now.

Speaking of bias, I feel like we as users (who aren’t @matt ) don’t really keep that a secret around here. We don’t like Trump. We don’t like his administration. We don’t like most anyone in the legislature with “R” next to their names because they are, without exaggeration, trying to kill quite a few of us right now. I don’t think any of that is particularly covert.

Many of us are here because we read all the information, as this site is about reading all the information with a very narrow focus on the Trump administration. It’s hard to get information about Mueller’s investigation and the particularly nasty effects the administration has had thus far from right-leaning sources because they’re too busy trying to get their tongues farther up the asshole of the President to tell us.


Matt is the one who provided link to bias.
The mind and what you are fed via reading/ listening constitutes your belief system.

Just some things to think about direct from this article
The Role of the Media in the Construction of Public Belief and Social Change

under the section titled " The Impact of Media Content on Public Belief and Attitudes"

The power of the media message tended to be heightened in those cases in which there was no direct experience or other knowledge of an issue, and conversely to decrease when people had direct experience.

Fear generated by media coverage overwhelmed direct experience

Across these studies, thus, we found that a number of factors including direct experience, knowledge from other sources, logic and the generation of fear or anger contributed to the degree to which audiences accepted or rejected the media message. A consistent theme is that where there is a lack of alternatives presented, the message is much less likely to be rejected.

Conclusions ( in same article)
Our research has shown that the media play a facilitating role – in the easing through of policy action by repetition and reinforcement of media messages, and the absence of proposed alternatives – and also a possible role in shaping behavior.

The media are in essence a contested space in which the most powerful groups can establish the dominance of specific messages.

You have a choice. To read both sides of the story and make your own decisions or allow your mind to be shaped by the establishment.

This thread is off topic.

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Maybe that was the plan…:roll_eyes: