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🤮 Coronavirus (Community Thread)

WTFery - Is he taunting the libs perhaps??

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Posting this with a constructive intention – we need to be acutely aware of how quickly and easily Covid-19 can spread – and we need to take extraordinary precautions as individuals and communities to check its spread. This case demonstrates how contagious the virus is. We may not like to hear it, but that’s the way it is. Be careful out there!

Good tip I came across recently: Disinfect your phone screen often – as often as you wash your hands – otherwise, just after washing your hands, you can transfer germs back to them from your phone.

Nine people connected to the man who was confirmed as New York’s second case of the new coronavirus have all tested positive for the illness, state officials said on Wednesday.

The new cases included the man’s wife; his son, 20; his daughter, 14; and a neighbor in Westchester County, who drove the man to the hospital. A friend of the man who spent time “in close proximity” with him also tested positive for the virus, as did that man’s wife and three of their children, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo said.

The new confirmed cases, which brings the number in New York state to 11, came as state and local health officials were scrambling to identify the scope of the illness’s spread from the Westchester father.

So far, about 1,000 people were being asked to self-quarantine, Mr. Cuomo estimated.

Still, the governor urged New Yorkers not to panic — even as he said, as he has before, that officials expected that there would be many people who would test positive.

“By definition, the more you test, the more people you will find who test positive,” Mr. Cuomo said.

The discovery that the Westchester father, a man of about 50 who works with his wife at a law firm in Manhattan, had the illness set off a search by health officials across the region to determine whether he had infected others, and who might have infected him.

Officials said they had little clue as to how the man, who had not been to any areas with widespread transmission of the virus, had become infected. He became ill on Feb. 22 and was admitted to NewYork-Presbyterian Lawrence Hospital in Bronxville, N.Y., five days later.


This is so utterly Texas:




The point is that Pence is mixing in what is a primary element to ACA/Obamacare - Essential Health Benefits by saying that the Coronavirus test would be handled by the insurance or by Medicare/Medical. He is hyping the ACA’s benefits. And nothing has been done about assuring that yes, the test would be part of any healthcare package.

It is ironic for someone as high up as VP from the Administration is willing to tout - ‘freebies, ie testing’ in an area where the R’s are gung ho about eliminating what they call entitlements.

Pence just nonchalantly put it out there…and quite a few people noticed.


Trump makes totally unfounded claim that he personally knows better than WHO what the coronavirus mortality rate is.

President Donald Trump claimed on Wednesday night that the mortality rate for the novel coronavirus, which the World Health Organization upped on Tuesday to 3.4 percent, was a “false number.” During an interview on Fox News’ Hannity , the president added that “this is just my hunch” before speculating why he believes COVID-19 has a much lower death rate.

After saying he’s “had a lot of conversations with a lot of people,” the president went on to estimate that “we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better, just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work” before deciding to spitball on what he believes is the real rate.

“They don’t know about the easy cases because the easy cases don’t go to the hospital, they don’t report to doctors or the hospital in many cases so I think that that number is very high,” Trump declared. “I think the number, personally, I would say the number is way under one percent.”

Trump says it’s no big deal if people who have coronavirus go to work. Just No, No, No. Anyone who has flu-like symptoms should not go to work – they will be spreading the flu or, far worse, coronavirus.

Here’s the Hannity clip – astounding that Trump would say such an irresponsible thing in the middle of a pandemic. Unfortunately, his base will believe him and contribute to the spread of the virus.


And here’s what happens when people treat the virus in a cavalier way.

Told to Stay Home, Suspected Coronavirus Patient Attended Event With Dartmouth Students. Now a second man has tested positive.

When an employee of the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in New Hampshire showed signs of possible coronavirus last week, a medical worker who had examined him told him to avoid contact with others, pending further tests. Instead, he went to a mixer at a crowded music venue.

Three days later, he was confirmed as the state’s first coronavirus case.

And now a second case has been confirmed — a “close contact” of the patient’s — raising new questions about what should happen when suspected coronavirus patients ignore requests to self-quarantine.

The man, who had come down with flu-like symptoms after a trip to Italy, has now been officially ordered by New Hampshire’s health commissioner to isolate himself at home.

“The individual is complying now,” said Jake Leon, communications director for the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services.

News that a health care worker could have exposed students at the event last Friday night, a mixer for doctors and Dartmouth College students, swiftly reverberated on the nearby campus.

Students learned of a possible exposure in an email sent out by the university on Tuesday, which revealed that a man who later tested positive for coronavirus had attended the mixer held for students at the college’s Tuck School of Business on Feb. 28. The event occurred on the same day that the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had issued a new Italy travel advisory, warning all those who had recently been to the country to stay home and monitor their health for 14 days.

Across the country, thousands of travelers returning from places with substantial outbreaks of the virus have been asked to stay home and avoid contact with others for 14 days, a request that largely relies on the honor system. As the virus spreads, many worry that the recommendations are not always followed.

The CDC is telling people to voluntarily quarantine themselves for 14 days if they have returned from a high risk country. A sound and sensible move. However, the agency’s efforts at controlling the spread of the virus are being undermined by our own President. He makes it sound like, hey, no harm, no foul if you have the virus yet still go about your business as if nothing is different. It’s a big commitment to self quarantine for 14 days and we should all be grateful to the people who comply – but how many will blow it off after hearing Trump’s careless remarks?


My wife works in a transportation hub for a major company. Drivers come in and out a LOT. They now have instituted a practice where ALL drivers must sign papers EVERY time assuring they’ve been nowhere near the coronavirus.

This is not, of course, effective. Her boss developed a cough and is getting tested for the coronavirus.

We are nervous.


A U.S. Embassy Refused to Test Exposed Staff for Coronavirus

WHO Says The Coronavirus Global Death Rate Is 3.4%, Higher Than Earlier Figures


I’m an emergency doctor. I expect to get coronavirus


Trump vs. Truth

What Trump claimed just two days ago:

NYT, Tuesday, March 3:

The Trump administration said on Monday that it could have the capacity for nearly a million tests for the coronavirus by the end of this week.

What Pence claimed yesterday:

CNN, Wednesday, March 4:

Pence: ‘Any American can be tested’ for coronavirus

And the reality today:

CNN, Thursday, March 5:


‘Doomed from the Start.’ Experts Say the Trump Administration’s Coronavirus Response Was Never Going to Work


Matt Gaetz is sadly still at it.



Refusing to test somebody for a deadly, contagious virus while victim blaming them is the height of Trump regime tactics.


Please don’t let these idiots “save” us.

This one, one Rick Santelli, shown in the video in the tweet below, wants to just give the whole world the #coronavirus, killing off 2 to 3.4% of us, so we can stabilize the markets and go back to making money.


Has he considered that he, or members of his family, might be part of the 2 to 3.4%? And if so, does his family agree?

Where do these people come from???


Haphazard data gathering, holes in accumulated data, whether it is from the state or CDC makes for a very scattershot approach . Looks like coordination of efforts, and getting a grip on this virus numbers has been a huge challenge, as well as getting those testing kits out…

It is highlighting the WH’s incompetence…so that is good, despite the consequences.

The Atlantic ’s numbers reflect the best available portrait of the country’s testing capacity as of early this morning. These numbers provide an accurate baseline, but they are incomplete. Scattered on state websites, the data available are not useful to citizens or political leaders. State-based tallies lack the reliability of the CDC’s traditional—but now abandoned—method of reporting. Several states—including New Jersey, Texas, and Louisiana—have not shared the number of coronavirus tests they have conducted overall, meaning their number of positive results lacks crucial context.

The net effect of these choices is that the country’s true capacity for testing has not been made clear to its residents. This level of obfuscation is unexpected in the United States, which has long been a global leader in public-health transparency.

The figures we gathered suggest that the American response to the coronavirus and the disease it causes, COVID-19, has been shockingly sluggish, especially compared with that of other developed countries. The CDC confirmed eight days ago that the virus was in community transmission in the United States—that it was infecting Americans who had neither traveled abroad nor were in contact with others who had. In South Korea, more than 66,650 people were tested within a week of its first case of community transmission, and it quickly became able to test 10,000 people a day. The United Kingdom, which has only 115 positive cases, has so far tested 18,083 people for the virus.

Normally, the job of gathering these types of data in the U.S. would be left to epidemiologists at the CDC. The agency regularly collects and publishes positive and negative test results for several pathogens, including multiple types of the seasonal flu. But earlier this week, the agency announced that it would stop publishing negative results for the coronavirus, an extraordinary step that essentially keeps Americans from knowing how many people have been tested overall.

Read: What you can do right now about the coronavirus

“With more and more testing done at states, these numbers would not be representative of the testing being done nationally,” Nancy Messonnier, the chief CDC official for respiratory diseases, said at the time. “States are reporting results quickly, and in the event of a discrepancy between CDC and state case counts, the state case counts should always be considered more up to date.”

Then, last night, the CDC resumed reporting the number of tests that the agency itself has completed, but did not include testing by state public-health departments or other laboratories. Asked to respond to our own tally and reporting, the CDC directed us to Messonnier’s statement from Tuesday.

Our reporting found that disorder has followed the CDC’s decision not to publish state data. Messonnier’s statement itself implies that, as highly populous states like California increase their own testing, the number of people the CDC reports as having been tested and the actual number of people tested will become ever more divergent. The federal tally of positive cases is now also badly out of date: While the CDC is reporting 99 positive cases of the coronavirus in the United States, our data, and separate data from Johns Hopkins University, show that the true number is well above 200, including those on the Diamond Princess cruise ship.

The White House declined to comment.

The haphazard debut of the tests—and the ensuing absence of widespread data about the epidemic—has hamstrung doctors, politicians, and public-health officials as they try to act prudently during the most important week for the epidemic in the United States so far.


Coronavirus reaches Europe’s busiest airport, after two British Airways baggage handlers at London Heathrow tested positive for the disease

Susan Collins Unable to Decide Whether to Wash Hands

Speaking to reporters at the Capitol, Collins said that she was “deeply troubled” by the behavior of the COVID-19 virus.

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Trump says those on Grand Princess cruise ship should stay on boat so U.S. coronavirus numbers don’t go up

WTF? WTF? WTF? Yes, he really, actually, truly did say this.

During a visit to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta Friday, President Donald Trump stated his preference that passengers on a cruise ship in the waters off of California remain on the boat because their entry onto U.S. soil could make the country’s coronavirus statistics increase.

“I have great people,” Trump said, "experts including our vice president who is working 24 hours a day on this stuff. They would like to have the people come off. I’d rather have the people stay but I’ll go with them. I told them to make the final decision."

"I would rather because I like the numbers being where they are. I don’t need to have the numbers double because of one ship that wasn’t our fault," Trump continued.

“And it wasn’t the fault of the people on the ship either,” Trump added. “It wasn’t their fault either and they’re mostly Americans, so I can live either way with it. I’d rather have them stay on but I fully understand if they’d rather take them off. I gave them the authority to make the decision.” …

This was so astonishingly asinine and sociopathic, I really thought he might have been misquoted, but here he is saying it – watch for yourself. (Go to 2nd video.)


Oh…yes. He’s off the charts today with his assertions.