WTF Community

Day 382

Thanks for answering to Ron but I still find it completely irrelevant to the topic. :v:

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Yes it was

I imagine this will eventually get put into the daily briefing, but here is the partialy redacted criminal referral of the Steele dossier from Sens. Grassley and Graham

Don’t really get much new, same as they’ve always been saying: misleading information, Clinton-funded, blah blah blah.


That’s just abusive language. Here’s famed MIT linguist Noam Chomsky on the subject.

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Trump’s next Twitter: " IT WAS OBAMA’s FAULT"

Now… Let me get this right- Democrats are treasonous for ‘not clapping’ - but Trump and his minions can collude with Russians. Different set of values in US than here in Canada!

I got a reply to my “Hitler” comment the other day - and then, low-and-behold, what is this? Illinois 3rd Congressional - Republicans are letting. Nazi run - UNOPPOSED!!!
At hurt Jones is his name. You gotta listen to this guy!

If you’re going long, these are only a suggestion; CAFD and PEGI, needless to say under the present regime they may be in for a rough ride.
Oh and thanks for explaining the other. I can get sideways…


:thinking: I wonder why Trump’s lawyers would want him to refuse an interview? Huh. :roll_eyes:


Ya think? but why should he even have any choice whatsoever in the matter? I don’t care who or what he is, he’s NOT above the laws.

Totally off topic, but if I had the cash, I’d go for TGT. They’re ripe for picking and Amazon is looking for a retailer with visibility and and broad distribution.

And you’re welcome. It was a risky comment (too much potential to offend), but I understand where you’re coming from.

Perhaps it’s just me, but I’m beginning to find this memo battle tiresome. Nunes has his 15 minutes of fame, much of which has been discredited. Do the Dems really accomplish anything at this point by putting their rebuttal out there? Does the public really care that much? I live in an insulated world, but I keep wondering whether the original memo or the response, should it be released, are going to influence public opinion that much. At this point, I think the lines in the sand have been drawn and people have already decided who the villains are. The initial release, in retrospect, was all drama and no substance. I personally see no reason to refute it. It fizzled out on its own. All the Dems are doing is inciting more juvenile behavior from Trump. Every time I hear of a new tweet of his, I just cringe. I’m just tired of the memo rivalry. If I want to watch a competition, I’ll tune into the Olympics next week and I’m not even a fan of winter sports. I truly hope they serve as a good distraction for citizens and leaders, alike. It truly is the worst of times…when do we experience the best of times?

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The best (and worst) part about this is that the Dow’s drop today completely erased the entire year’s gain (AP).

CBS found this secretary…she’s not happy to say the least. :hushed: Randy Bryce (Ryan’s potentional Democratic challenger) raised $150,000 off of Ryan’s tone-deaf tweet.

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Yes and yes, in my opinion. Even if just for historical purposes, this period in time will be detailed and studied at great length by historians and history doesn’t always “see both sides” as we may in the normal course of everyday life.


This memo battle is ridiculous and shouldn’t have happened in the first place. The conspiracy beyond silly and frankly hard to understand.

I agree, it’s a total distraction from the immigration talks happening right now. The government could shut down this week too. There’s so much discussion to be had and the House gets all the attention for these memos. Only real policy should matter this week. It’s very disappointing.


I’m so glad I trademarked The Memo™ before the start of all this


It certainly makes for good shorthand.

I don’t know, for me it made a great distraction to the other “Storm” that was brewing. Certainly the pay off for Miss Daniels NDA violated some campaign finance laws.

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So much corruption & “bad behavior” it’s a challenge (ie. full-time job) to keep up with.

yep. sure is :joy:

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