WTF Community

Day 407

Hunger Gamesā€¦ yes indeed - on so many levels

$50M in tax exemptions v. 13 discounted place tickets :face_with_monocle:

  1. Thirteen! Insanity rules the Republican party of the National Rifle Assoc.

I take my hat off to Delta, that was courageous. Itā€™s despicable what Georgiaā€™s so-called lawmakers just did- I hope they get lots of blow-back, & I hope more ppl choose to fly Delta & drop the NRA at every chance.

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Sheā€™s so Russian she has an ushanka growing from her head?

UGH! I forgot to include this today. :frowning:

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Quiz time!! I only got 4/5 correct. :flushed::crazy_face:


For real? She reminds me of Marge Simpson. image


Same here, & thanks, I needed a laugh! :grin:

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Iā€™d love to see Delta just get out of Atlanta. That would sure show those punative legislators. Iā€™m pretty sure there are countless cities that would be thrilled to work with the airline to give them a tax incentive. Even better, I hope Amazon says F.U. and heads to friendlier territory. I know Amazon had come under fire because they advertise on NRA media. I donā€™t condone it. But I think Amazon just turns a blind eye when it comes to political issues. I can get behind a lot of the good they do and hope they really do step away from sooner of their media choices.


Time to stop pussy-footing around and get out the subpoena pad! You could ask for just about everyone in the Trump administration - or who USED to be with them.

Youā€™ve been watching too many American moviesā€¦that would feel good, & Iā€™ll admit Iā€™d buy a ticket to see them all in handcuffs, but thatā€™s not quite how this works. Mueller knows exactly what heā€™s doing, taking a seemingly slow approach to ensure there is MORE than enough testimony to take out all the ā€œbig fishā€ā€¦they are all flipping like pancakes on the ones above them, just be patient. :wink:

Somehow I didnā€™t expect to connect the NRA to the Russians, theyā€™re suppose to be patriotic and all. Having served in the military years ago and spending time monitoring what the Russian military was doing in their movements close to the US it seems so odd to read about how they were making connections with the NRA.

No one from the NRA was concerned about a Russian national getting involved with their people? Or questioning what the interest was by the Russians?


Iā€™ve thought about Delta leaving Atlanta also.

Slept guy: I just heard that Delta lost $50MM in tax breaks from the Georgia govā€™t. I will bet a million dollars New York, Minnesota, or Micjgan (all have huge hubs) will ā€˜guaranteeā€™ Delta $50MM over 10 years, to move their headquarters from Atlanta to their hub city!!!

Steel and Aluminum: I just looked up the cost of steel in a normal car (about 900 kg=2000 lb). If the tax goes on 1/2 of that steel(about the amount that is imported for a car) and the steel companies in US up their cost by 15%, then the cost of a new car in the US will go up by $400. That is the ā€˜net priceā€™. Then the companies upcharge from the net. Overall - an increase of about $900-1,000! Dealers will also upcharge from their wholesale cost - so ??? That, along with the new mortgage you take out next year (1% up on a $200,000 mortgage) is approximately $3,000.
There goes the tax relief!!! Thanks President Trump!

To be fair, tax relief was long gone to moment the bill was signed. Itā€™s all just salt in the wound now.


Amy, I like the idea that Amazon might discount Atlanta because of thisā€¦ but Amazon is not apoliticalā€¦ Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post, without which we would not know much of what has gone on behind the closed doors of the White Houseā€¦

Iā€™m intimately familiar with Amazon (one of several part-time jobs). Jeff is very hands off when it comes to many of his businesses. He is focused on the future of technology and is focusing his attention on AI and big data applications. The WP leans slightly to the left anyhow so its more likely to support Delta separating from Atlanta. Amazon will ultimately choose a city with the best infrastructure and optimum tax breaks. Theyā€™ll avoid any place that doesnā€™t have good highway systems, commuter options, affordable homes with potential for new home development, good educational options and adequate support from police, fire, health personnelā€¦ in utter words, a place that will be attractive to a significant number of employees who may have to relocate. Without a primary airline (and something like 80% of flights in and out of Atlanta are Delta), no major company will be attracted to Atlanta. It was a stupid decision given only 13 NRA discounts had been used anyhow.

Your math is a little off, bud.

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