WTF Community

Day 421

No one has yet seen the IG’s report, but this sure adds to the shit-pile of intimidation of witnesses & out-right illegal acts by this administration. They are so far over the f***ing line. I can only imagine just how pissed off it’s making the other members of the FBI too. :smirk:

Even IF the IG’s report shows grounds for firing, the previous harassment that McCabe has endured from POTUS, plus the timing of this firing, clearly marks it as political more than for cause. This is NOT how you treat respected 21 year civil servants!!!

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Interesting, didn’t know the DOD was suppose to test this technology. I wonder if the SEC will be on Trump’s next sh#t list although I read he didn’t like Wall St. cause the downtowners snubbed him in NY.

Wow John Brennan unloads on Trump on Twitter.


Uh oh more notes.
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That’s very common in his line of work. :slightly_smiling_face: (Many others as well…like if you supervise people.)

Ya think Trump takes notes?

Unlikely, he’s too arrogant to think he needs them, plus crayon is so hard to read, but if they’re anything like his tweets, he needn’t bother.

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I think Trump is softening the blow of firing Mueller (now being called out by name in Tweets) by throwing a few body punches. Now he’s interested in sanctioning Russia? Why now? Because Mueller is going after his little company and all of it’s dirty, dirty books, bolstered by LLCs that came from anywhere that had money to launder.

The fact is money laundering and conspiracy are serious crimes. How long should you let a guy who has so much potential baggage be President? Ask Barry 4-Star McCaffrey. And what if he’s proven guilty, assuming we still have a judicial branch? Throw in his personal scandals, which in any other time & place, would NOT be cast side as much ado about nothing. The nerve of these people to ruthlessly attack Obama over petty things, like playing golf once a month, when this buffoon is burning down the house with pure incompetence, if nothing else. Inviting F&F News people to be cabinet members or arming teachers, his ideas are so bad, they are almost unbelievable.

I think he thinks he can fire Mueller and “his guys” will protect him. It’s a showdown - election cycle is kicking in, he doesn’t want to fuck up an election.


But the sanctions he just imposed are only a token gesture, NOT the sanctions that will really matter against Russia & that were previously approved. It’s NOT the same thing at all, he’s doing just the bare minimum he can get away with (like a kid cheating on his homework!) & just so he can give it “lip service” in face of mounting evidence currently in the news (ie. Russian ex-pats killed off in Britain).
He’s the same corrupt traitor he was last week, I can assure you.

And if you ask me, this sham has gone on FAR too long, but in the future, assuming we still have one, our laws must be changed to prevent this ever happening again. For one thing, if a candidate cannot pass a background check for the highest security clearance, they shouldn’t even be allowed to run. How about that? No matter HOW much audacity they have…


Yes to that! :point_up_2:It’s a matter of national security.


And all Presidential candidates must be required to release their complete tax forms (not just a summary) for the past 10 years and, if they become President, for every year they are in office.

Also, let’s make maintenance and publication of White House visitor logs mandatory. Obama did it voluntarily and, of course, Trump ended the practice immediately after taking office.


For sure, Keaton! Our country has gotten complacent, we took these things for granted because they were never challenged…oh no, it took a trump for that. They need to be written into law. Once we get this dirt-bag out of office, & Congress is cleaned up, changes must be made. “Never again”, if I may borrow that phrase?


I think that this should be a given too, the population at large has to submit to these things to work at Boeing or in a nuclear missile silo, it seems that being President requires a certain amount of integrity and ethics and not being susceptible to “a shakedown” as NY Donny would say. Mr. Trump doesn’t have the proper skills or temperament to be President, it’s becoming more obvious with each passing week. Firing this McCabe guy on his last day before his retirement might even feel a bit wrong to the Deplorables who voted for him.


It wouldn’t hurt to require a medical & especially a MENTAL fitness evaluation prior to election either.
It’s pretty bad when so many lay people can recognize trump’s personality problems that make him dangerous to our national security & alienating to our allies as well, but it’s even worse that our nation’s enemies are happy to exploit it.

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I really like this talk about solutions. Maybe we need a thread called WTF are the solutions?


I think that’s a great idea! Because who knows how long we’ll be at this, & these ideas might get buried & “forgotten”. Personally, I’d like to make a list with which to hit up my Congressmen/women, or those who would run for office. This needs to actually happen, not just in our minds. And if there’s a bunch of us with the same talking points, how great would that be? It’s gonna take a movement, just like sane gun laws.

Identifying solutions is a good idea. A positive approach.

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Why now? Cause he knows he needs the GOP votes to not be impeached.

Don’t forget, he doesn’t like to read. Maybe it’s a logical fallacy, but I’m inferring that he doesn’t like to write much either. It probably has never dawned on him that people are smart enough to cover themselves when dealing with him. I wonder whether Stormy has a few notes of her own and that’s why this gag order has been dominating the news. I wonder who else might be keeping some notes? Sessions, perhaps? I think all anyone would have to do was imply he had them and T would go nuts.