WTF Community

Introduce Yourself!

WTFJHT is a diverse community, full of interesting people that give a shit about the state of the world.

Take a minute and share a bit about who you are, what you care about, and what you’re hoping to get out of this community. Feel free to drop a link to your personal blog, Twitter, website, or whatever.

Welcome to the WTF Community Center!



Hey there! Nice to be on-board. My name’s Alison (my RL name). I’m a nerd by profession & I’m here in the South San Francisco Bay. I’m an immigrant - a Green Card holder - and can’t even vote. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Yet I live here and am affected by all that’s going down right now.


I’ll go first. I’m Matt. I’m the guy that started What The Fuck Just Happened Today? and I have a love-hate relationship with my job.

EDIT: By first, I mean second. Beat by my own community.


I’m Jeff. I’m a Web Architect (a web designer, web developer, interaction designer, consultant…basically one of those darn unicorns!). I run my own little web agency called the Soulcraft Group ( I also read and collect comic books. Basically, your run of the mill geek from hell. :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m Dr. Letitia Wright, everyone calls me Drwright, I am a crowdfunding consultant and media consultant with my own TV show on cable in Southern California. I care about health care and was thinking of ways to keep up before I ran into WTFJH. I really appreciate it and read it daily. On Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram I am Drwright1


:wave: Hey DrWright! How’d you get into the crowdfunding consultancy space? Obviously I’m super interested in that.


Hi there! I’m Ashley. By day, I have a job that I’ve come to hate. By night (aka any spare time), I’ve been working to organize my Indivisible group, as well as trying to build my skills to one day to make a living off of. I’m working to hopefully one day do something similar what Matt has done with WTFJHT, but from a journalistic/social perspective (that probably makes no sense…). I guess it would be something like a “social media/citizen journalist? I’m not even quite sure myself, but that’s why I’m working on honing my skills and building my a catalogue of my work. :grin: Also, I’m a West Coaster (LA), night owl (I’m usually blessed with DJT’s AM tweets right as I’m attemping to sleep. :roll_eyes::sleeping:)

I’m very excited to be apart of the forum and looking for to what’s to come!

Shameless plug:


I’m a full-time traveler. I retired early from the banking/finance world and now travel the country in a 27-foot travel trailer. I have no sticks and bricks dwelling and love my freedom. I’m originally from Canada, but spent the past 25 years or so in Atlanta.

The internet is the best way for me to connect with like-minded people. I also volunteer remotely on various political campaigns, mostly through texting.

I just wanna hang out with a cool online community.


Super cool! If you ever want to talk, I’m more than happy to!

And I can relate to the late night Trump tweets as you’re going to bed…


Whoa! I once rented a Westfalia for a week to go camping. Loved it. 5 stars. Would do it again. What kind of trailer do you have?

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It’s a 2007 Northwood Nash. Built for offroading and sturdy boondocking. My boyfriend added lots of solar panels, so we can go offgrid.


That’s very cool! :call_me_hand:

Hello fellow WTF’ers! Firstly, a giant load of appreciation for all that Matt has done to keep our community connected, informed and engaged. My name is Steven, and I am from Los Angeles. I work as a CTO and Product Director. I am also a musician, a writer, an avid reader, a sports fan, a way too old and out of shape to still be a softball player, and a political junkie. Ideologically, I consider myself somewhere between centrist and progressive (admittedly, I am a recovering libertarian). I look forward to getting to know you all.


I’m ceres. I have a BA and BS I’ve never had the chance to use, but I hope to in the not-to-distant future. I’m interested in learning how to do most things, and how to properly not-do most of the rest.

I really appreciate the emails from this site, not because I don’t read it all on my own but because it’s just a nightmare to keep straight and have room in my head for much else. I’m not sure there’s much more valuable that I could do with my spare time right now than contribute some of it to this resource, which has been an amazing help to me (and surely many many others) since it got off the ground.


I wanna hear about how you made the switch from Libertarian!


YO! Welcome! I miss my old beer league softball team. What position?

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Awesome - thank you! :grin:
re: tweets - they can take a toll on any attempt to sleep… :sleeping:

Also, I wanted to ask about what you are thinking for the actions portion? What kind of actions, etc?

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@Nomad That right there is how I want to live my life, and would if I could.


I don’t know. I kind of want to the community to sort out their norms. I do think keeping it in the realm of “if you care about this thing, then here’s some things to do” would keep it useful for most people. I personally don’t want to be in the business of dictating what people should or shouldn’t care about (or do about it). But I do want to give people the opportunity connect on those topics, since it’s been a point of emphasis from the feedback I’ve received.

Do you have any thoughts or suggestions for how to organize it?

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