WTF Community

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Thank you, moderators! Your hard work ensures a continuously high level of discourse in this community – really unique among the various forums I visit where spam, vitriol, and outright craziness often hijack the conversation. Your dedication is much appreciated! :clap:


I know its a problem Facebook and Twitter have been trying to deal with.
I havent seen a big problem was curious. A comment i saw recently made me wonder if it was a bot or troll.

I think the attack on social media has been huge and will increase with this election.

I’m really wondering if Russia has T under their wing and will work this election hard. Heard stories out of Florida recently about election irregularities from a poll monitor that had not heard before that gives me concern.

Block and move on is all one can do on social media. My personal FB block list is basically nothing but trolls and bots.

If you see something, tap the flag and the mods will review.

Maybe, it’s hard to say.

If it’s from a reputable source, post it.


Is Ingress anything like egress? Or do I digress?

Hi, @Matt. I’ve been around awhile, but rather than bother to remember my user name or password or check what email account I was using, I just opened another account. I don’t think I did much logging in with the other one, anyway.

I’ve followed you consistently since I discovered WTF. I awoke (English major, can’t stand the other way people are saying they came to their senses) the first time I heard it’s voice on the trail. That sound, you know the sound of someone keying a car or the squeak of chalk on a chalkboard, shook me out of any chance of getting a decent sleep.

Thank you for helping me keep tabs on all of this poo. OMG! When we were kids we had a big dog and a pooper scooper. There’s a lot of poop to clean up folks. Get yourselves a scooper if you want to dig yourselves out of this sh*t storm.


@SEPTGUY to answer your question about vetting of users: no, i don’t do that because dipshits get deleted. the mods here try to course correct where necessary and are generous with warnings when things stray into strange territory, but occasionally we remove users after repeated warnings.

facebook/twitter/etc have the issues they have bc they attempt to operate as a marketplace for free expression while additionally keeping their hands off the wheel. here, we have ground rules that form a social contract. you break the contract, you get booted.


Good day. My name is Ross. I’m an IT professional, business development, and training. I have been thoroughly buried (as Huxley predicted) in the minutia of all the things ie. the privacy debate, the FCC ruling on title II, net neutrality, the new-abnorm and on and on and on that, it’s harder to process the macro view.

Found you on the Alexa skill list and I am thoroughly enjoying the broadcast. Hi Matt, Hi Joe!

The problems we face we face together. I’m a Republican from NY. I live on an Island, climate adjustment must be made. Puerto Rico is extremely vulnerable, as is NYC. Deficit deficit deficit. Russia, China and a bunch of others are bullying the shit outta everyone on the digital schoolyard. Tariffs!(yaar) The FBI is magnificent. I’m afraid I’ll be killed by this new EPA.


It was a one-on-one conversation with a poll monitor and yes i consider them credible and no i can’t post a limk to a private conversation.

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I used to think of myself is not interested in politics but then Trump came along and I had to admit and come clean I was a closet Democrat all along. I enjoy listening to other people’s perspectives an intelligent discussion which Benefits all of us. I’m from Southern Oregon but I promise, I am not a kale eater. I found this site totally by random fate as I was punching on my Google find app, I just said what the fuck happened today? In this site came up. I’ve been following it as a non-member for sometime but not as a member so I never got the opportunity to listen to the community opinions. It amazes me, as everyday I read this and just when I thought I’d seen and heard stupid, the current Administration continues to threaten my credulity for bullshit parameters. LOL. I believe this is just my personal opinion, the complaining about the current Administration does nothing constructive, however, this blog gives me ammunition to stay on top of the ever-changing face of this thing we call the Trump Administration. I believe that constructive actions can only be actualized by people who are informed about the situation they wish to change. I hope I can learn something and maybe contribute something to this community. as long as there are people Like Us, there is hope for change. thank you for your time I know this was a little bit long-winded, but hi and hello, this is the way we do it in Oregon. LOL we think everybody is family and friends and we will talk your arm off. At this time though, I think it’s best that I do more listening than speaking until I have something intelligent to contribute


Pleased to meet you Matt + all and thank you for many months of gripping and often hilarious coverage of the Orange Kaiser (Am I allowed to say that?)
Just reading Rick Wilson atm but looking forward to Bob Woodward’s final nail. Much more interesting than Nixon, as I recall.
Do well.
John Peverell etc.


Been here before. Read daily for great information.


Been here since July, almost daily observer. Absolutely lost on adding a picture. Oh, well.

Spent the last day and a half glued to the TV for the Kavanaugh hearings. Great compromise by Coons and Flake today to get an FBI investigation. Daily Kos had as couple of comments today on the Urban Dictionary definitions of boof/ boofed, Devils Triangle and FFFFFF, which Judge K lied to the Judiciary committee about under oath. He is going down, and hopefully in an orange jumpsuit. Felony perjury, in my non-legal opinion.


How would anyone prove he lied about knowing the terms?

Consider: How would anyone prove I lied by saying that my generation thought “The bees knees” meant something awful?

Q: W(ho)TF would believe he is the only one with the non-standard slang definitions?

A: Someone needing a “Get out of jail card” on SCOTUS, perhaps. Or a true believer.

I’m almost 50, Female. Live in San Diego California. Hi everyone. Glad to be here and hope to make connections here. This may be the worst day of all since the election, October 6, 2018, the day they put THAT guy on the supreme court despite everything else. That’s all I can say because I am dumfounded and overwhelmed by what happened. Shocked. But it never seems to end, the shock day by day. Thanks everyone for being here. Debi


A joyful Canadian life coach in Germany

Hi, I’m Deb, and I’m new to news.

I’ve pretty much ignored formal news sources since giving up my TV in the 80s. But in 2016 I discovered a deep core value that was previously incognito: stand up for the vulnerable. I was raised as a citizen not of a country but of a planet, and vulnerable people everywhere were being put at risk as the new US government rolled back and flaunted hard won positions on asylum, immigration, pollution, health and safety. Even civility! To do my part I needed to be informed, and my way out of the real-or-fake news avalanche was to focus on trusted sources; old ones like The Guardian, CBC, NYT & WaPo and newer, social media oriented ones like Matt’s.

Now, with the mid-terms approaching, I’ve decided there’s little I can do as an overseas non-American. I’ve worked hard to help stimulate the US’s immune system, and it’s time now for Americans to do their democratic best. So I’m going to take a break from political news and focus back on my work. At which point WTFJHT becomes more useful than ever - just to stay in touch :slight_smile:

My work is helping change leaders be more joyful and effective. (This way my effort is multiplied into the world!) It’s important work, quiet work, helping people dig out and shine up their authentic style, their core values, their strengths and contribute them where it matters most to them. Many of my clients are in the US: bringing more joy into the system has got to help!

I’ll continue to amplify important truths in social media, and to encourage thoughtful reflection on current events among my followers. Let’s keep our eyes open, speak the truth, do good stuff, find joy and create joy for others. Oh: and vote!

Thanks, Matt for this initiative.

  • Deb

Quoted for Truth.


I’m an Australian with an interest in American politics as a fellow world citizen. We all need to understand that the world doesn’t end at our borders and all things impact the world as a whole. Trade, economy, world peace and environment are all world effecting areas. American politics and actions have far reaching effects across the globe. So before you dismiss me as not American please take that into account.


I actually find it validating that we have community members from across the globe. As an American, it makes me feel like I’m not losing my mind.

Well put. These values should be universal. Thank you and welcome. :wave:


Thank you. It’s frustrating to voice an opinion as sometimes when people realise you’re not American they switch off, basically mind your own business. Some accuse me of being a bot or a troll.

I’d like to think that as citizens in Western society that we have basically the same values and aspirations. The gauge on what makes a good person. No one is perfect and I’m sure everyone has things in their past they’re not proud of. I believe in understanding, tolerance and acceptance. People have different views, opinions and beliefs.

I don’t think we’re much different in Australia other than we seem to be a bit more savage on our politicians. We can it the tall poppy syndrome at it held against everyone. Strive to far above everyone else the mob will take you down. The only exception is when it’s done with humility. Hard work, exceptional ability in any area is highly respected but arrogance, deception, dishonesty and poor sportsmanship will turn the populace against you.

That’s probably why I find it incredulous that so much support has gone to a person like Trump. Any of our politicians found to blatantly lying and misrepresenting the truth would be turned upon by the electorate and their party would push them out and ostracise them.

I don’t know much about Mueller but he holds my respect at the moment for the way he running this investigation. To me it’s not about Republican or Democrat, it’s about truth and accountability. If foreign parties have influenced the democratic procedure then Trump and Co govern under false pretence.

His government have torn apart protections put in place to protect the environment, opened national treasures for plunder, cut protections on regulations that protect the people he governs. For what if not for personal gain. Western culture looks to America for direction and sometimes protection.

Now America looks less the protector, less the stable trusted sheriff and more the antagonist. First stirring trouble with North Korea and China then palling up to North Korea because they say some pretty things about Trump. Then turning a blind eye on Russia’s transgressions and the news that the government has turned a blind eye on a team of Saudi Assassins murdering a journalist on American soil due to his free speech. Isn’t that one of the things America stands fast on and would protect at all cost? It doesn’t give the rest of the world faith in America as a peacekeeper.

Guys, this isn’t a hate speech on the USA. I love America. It’s just so disheartening to see her lose her way. Don’t let madness prevail.