WTF Community

Introduce Yourself!

Welcome…and happy birthday this Friday. Fridays in T/Trump world tends to be especially riveting.

You are amongst thoughtful people and a place to locate where we are in all the daily news drops…we do weekends too!



i’ve been reading WTFJHT for quite a while now, hubby reads it too - we both follow on facebook and get the (mostly) daily emails. i think whole regime is insane, and it just keeps getting more insane with each passing day. along with hubby, we have two daughters and two cats.

::waves hi to everyone::


Hi, long term resident of Thailand here- former chair for Democrats Abroad in my town- but moving to the big city so no longer have my DA facebook page to vent on. WFJHT has been invaluable to me- keeps me sane and not having to read everything, so thanks for maintaining my sanity. I shared this website on the DA facebook page many times. Hope it brought many subscribers!


hello. my name is valerie. i live and work at bard college at simon’s rock in western mass, which is a 4 year institution for students who want to start college early. i live with the first year boys, 16 olds who are smart and smelly… and mostly lovely. i look forward to WTF every evening and am SO thankful that there are still some sane people out there —THANK YOU MATT for all of this — i m too tired to be clever right now, but most days i am mildly entertaining . night.


Been getting the email newsletter for a few months now, finally joining the community. Have never paid so much attention to politics in my life as I do now. Although, it may be argued, I’m actually paying attention to the continual clusterf*ck rather than politics. I know for sure I’ve never been as emotionally invested. At least weekly I tell myself I’m going to stop keeping up with the latest news (to protect my fraying sanity), but I’m always back to it the next day, somehow afraid to miss the next outrageous event. I’m so tired…


I think that’s the majority of WTF readers!


This is evergreen. :evergreen_tree: welcome, you’ve found the right place, my friend. Remember folks, you can always check the current political status on @matt’s other site

Take a deep breathe and let it out slowly. You can relax. :herb:


Living the dream as an attorney in New Mexico. At the end of 2016, WTFJHT was a lifesaver. Thanks, Matt


Sarcasm btw

Except that WTFJHT was a lifesaver was not sarcasm


Hello from the other side. I’m a retired British firefighter, now living in the far South East of Bulgaria, in the last village in Europe. I’m fascinated by American politics, and have followed WTF since almost day one. I get my daily ‘fix’ just as you are turning in for some well earned sleep. :grin:


Hello there. I’ve been following WTF since day one pretty much, and occasionally poke Matt with articles I’ve spotted. He suggested I look into the community board. I admit I tend to be busy, but I do like to share, and I maintain an endless supply of memes and article links.

My name is David, but online most folks know me by Wind or Windthin. I’m a nerd, cook, bird owner, navy brat, steampunk madman, jack-of-all-trades, former online radio DJ, longtime roleplayer, and general oddball. I’ve lived in four states; Puerto Rico where I was born, Hawaii where I spent much of my childhood, Connecticut twice and Illinois three times; Illinois is where I am now. My wife is self-professed political nerd herself, and we tend to collaborate in our own various ways on things. I’m always happy to help, eager to learn, pleased to share, and glad to listen.


long time follower, just signed up for the community today. i have been posting on reddit and prior to that, twitter, about the current situation. reddit’s signal to noise is very low, and twitter has become totally unusable. so here i am.
i’m a cyber risk consultant and often interface with trump supporters at all levels of society. its eye opening and astounding and lots of negative adjectives too. i’m excited to participate in this community.


If you can shed some light on how reasonable people can back him, I’d be interested. I don’t mean the hard core base who are just crazy, but the ones that haven’t jumped off the cliff yet.

I assume the FOX pundits are in it for the money, not because they are true believers.


i would have to evaluate your definition of reasonable. for example, trump supporters i have spoken to think its reasonable for this president to do what he does because it has some positive impact on the stock market. That is the most popular justification for support, “my 401k is doing great”.


I am a retired public sector union rep living in California. I have a Masters degree in philosophy that I briefly used to teach college.

Besides getting the update from WTFJHT, I spend my time reading the news and “bringing it” to conservative websites in a non-trolling way. Unhappy, embarrassed Republicans will be our allies going forward.


I’m a 60 year old woman from Massachusetts who is just confounded that this corrupt, immoral, unethical, racist, homophobic, criminal is STILL in the White House (thanks to help from Russia). My fingers are recovering from writing so many postcards last night demanding that Congress start impeachment proceedings ASAP. My fear is that NOTHING is going to get the most corrupt President of our lifetime out of office.


I am disgusted by Donald Trump and his sycophantic appointees and represent and live in a State where I and my friends are politically outnumbered. This forum may help me endure Trump’s, hopefully, short tenure.


Hello! I’m Marylyn, and I live in Huntsville, Alabama, otherwise known as “Rocket City.” It’s true we have a Saturn V rocket planted by the highway on the west side of the city, offering a phallic welcome to everyone. I live here because my father worked in the defense industry, but I didn’t grow up here. I grew up in south New Jersey and Massachusetts. My father’s job here was his last one. I moved in with him after a divorce. I’ve only been here since 1981, haha. I eventually married someone “from here,” so I’m stuck (even though we don’t have kids). It’s interesting. Huntsville is the most progressive city in the state, they say. But my views are not majority views, apparently. I do live in a bubble of liberal, artsy friends, in real life as well as on Facebook. I haven’t been the same since the 2016 election. I never used to care about the news, and now I care fiercely, but at the same time feel helpless. I am retired from an administrative job at the local university (UAH) three years ago, and I still haven’t figured out what to do with myself. WTF has been a bright glow in my inbox since a friend recommended it to me. I also listen to all the political/progressive podcasts I have time for. And finally, I hope this is the way to post on this forum, by simply REPLYING. I kept looking and looking for a “compose” button, or “new post,” or something. Do you have to start an entirely New Topic to do that? So, the Introduce Yourself thread consists entirely of replies to the original post by Matt? Someone please advise…


:wave: Welcome! Here’s our helpful guide to creating new posts. Click link to see the full post :point_down:

We mostly discuss the daily news and try and contextualize it for each other. If you need any help, there’s almost always a moderator checking in to offer assistance. We’re kinda like librarians but we also delete trolls, bots and spam. FYI, if you post in the wrong spot don’t worry, we may move your post but remember it’s to keep this forum tidy. :hugs: