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Who The Fuck Has Testified

Today’s Sessions hearing has been…uh, contentious, to say the least.

Follow along on Twitter with the hashtags #SessionsHearing and #JeffSessions.

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Thanks for the annotated tidbits! Keep it coming! :heart_eyes: Love it!


The Erik Prince/House Intelligence Committee transcript is now posted!


The craziest part is that Don Jr is citing attorney-client privilege about his conversations with his father. (Note: he doesn’t.)


:boom: Update on the transcript of Fusion GPS’s August interview
Rachel Maddow reported tonight that Fusion GPS’s lawyers have finished reviewing the transcript and sent it back to the committee. Senator Grassley promised back in August that he would put it to a vote in the committee to release it and would vote to release it.

We shall see if we actually get it!


Fusion GPS is calling on Congress to finally release their transcript.

“Congress should release transcripts of our firm’s testimony, so that the American people can learn the truth about our work and most important, what happened to our democracy.”


I neeeeeeeeeed to see these…I’m trying to work on book report style of Carter page/Erik prince but I want this 21 hour transcript in front of my face and I will call in sick to work on it (bc it will make me sick, so that’s a valid call to my boss :grimacing:)


Thanks to Senator Feinstein - we FINALLY have the Fusion GPS transcript! (At least from the 10 hours of the Judiciary committee interviews).


re: Fusion GPS transcript

This disastrous NYT story from October 2016, just keeps on making the rounds.

As I mentioned when I was reading Collusion by Luke Harding, the story was outrageous once you put the timeline together and figure out that Steele met with NYT on the dossier PRIOR to publishing it.

Now, we learn from the Fusion GPS transcripts that the story also led to Steele no longer working with the FBI because he assumed it had been corrupted by Trump partisans.

Just imagine a timeline where NYT didn’t publish this story…:face_with_monocle:
Because it was also published the same day that David Corn from Mother Jones published the first story regarding Steele and the dossier…


Collection of tweets uncovered gems from the Fusion GPS transcript: here

I will be updating as I come across more. :slight_smile:

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Cross linking this shizz


I finally started reading this transcript from the beginning (instead what others are pointing out) and…oh. em. gee. The expression you can “cut the tension with a knife” is an understatement here…

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Latest update re: Fusion GPS/Congressional Interview Transcripts

Tomorrow, the House Intelligence Committee at 9am EST will take a vote on whether to release the transcript from their interview with Fusion GPS. Only a simple majority is needed in order for the transcript to be released.

Update: HPSCI could drop the transcript as early as today!

(@MissJava: get ready! :grin:)

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Ahhhhh! MY BODY IS READY :joy_cat:


This is getting interesting…

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It’s hereeeeee…

HPSCI & Fusion GPS Transcript!

  • 1/18/18 Meeting to release Fusion GPS transcript: transcript
  • 11/14/17 Fusion GPS & HPSCI interview: transcript

And we’re off to a lovely start:

Trey Gowdy (p. 9):

“…but you also used the word “facts,” and what did you mean when you used the word “facts”?”

Oh, boy…this is a train wreck:

Page 19:

MR. SIMPSON: Yes. I mean, I know that they are - the DNC is a client of Perkins Coie. I don’t - I didn’t see it – nobody gave me a document or informed me specifically of that.

MR. GOWDY: Did you think the law firm was just doing it on their own?

MR. SIMPSON: I’m sorry, I don’t understand your question.

MR. GOWDY: Did you think the law firm was just doing it on their own?

MR. SIMPSON: Doing what? Doing –

MR. GOWDY: Opposition research into candidate Trump.


MR. GOWDY: Paying you to do opposition research into candidate Trump, did you think Perkins Coie was doing that on their own?

MR. SIMPSON: No, sir. What I’m trying to explain is that I have been in Washington for several decades, and I spent a lot of time on Capitol Hill and it was well-known to me that Perkins Coie represented the DNC.


We threw a line in the water and Moby Dick came back

:joy_cat: :raised_hands:t3: Kinda feel like I should go get a smoking jacket and sit in front of the fire swirling a tumbler of scotch to read this.

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HPSCI & Fusion GPS Transcript!

Now the link says file not found! :flushed:

Yeah…wtf. It is still on CNBC thank fuck.

Gah so much rage: Comey announced the reopening of #ButHerEmails investigation, didn’t think it worth mentioning that the FBI was also investigating drumpf. Major media outlets knew too!