I think you’re correct that this wall represents trump flexing his “muscles”…I’m a little surprised he doesn’t want it to be gold?
But walls also come in handy for dictators & personally, I think the only wall we build ought to be around HIM. Like you, I see it as a vast waste of our tax dollars…& remember that this idiotic plan probably originated from Putin, who’d like nothing better than to see our nation FAIL…look at all the corrupt incompetent stooges that 45 has put in positions of importance…that too makes our country weak. Did 45 think this up by himself? I don’t give him that much credit for brains. He’s rotten in business & his ego falls for any plan that makes him look “powerful”. He is very easily manipulated by others, & Putin is a pro.
Anyway, why would we need a wall now? With such a jackass running our country, does ANYONE still want IN??? It seems more likely to me that the wall is to keep us all from running away.
One other thing about “the wall” that isn’t talked about much is the detrimental impact it will have on migratory wildlife…something very near & dear to my heart. But since the GOP & 45 are denying science & trying to destroy all the regulations we have that protect nature, this doesn’t bother them one bit…what a shameful travesty!