WTF Community

End of the Worst Fucking Year Rant

My prediction’s based on Shaun King’s column this morning–no impeachment until after the November election and swearing-in, at soonest. And even if he’s got dementia, like Reagan, in the White House, they’ll use him to do whatever they want. Either way, in or out, we need patience and perseverance. And pitchforks. I’m going to polish my pitchforks.


Seriously–why oh why do the people I am trying to do twitter with leaning left have to form factions, block me, name call–someone called me a dick today because they thought a satirical tweet was too serious to joke about (I didn’t post the tweet) I was just in the comment stream. The tweet was something like-- “Trump got indicted today”. All I said was the satirical tweet was hopeful and imaginative–and he went off–called me a name and blocked me. Accused me of being an amateur on twitter. I have 10K posts and nearly 7,000 followers. Let’s just mention the fact I’m an old retired nurse–nearly harmless. Why oh why?

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I’m often glad that I don’t tweet–I already spend to much time on facebook as it is. Trolls and haters everywhere, though. And so much doesn’t work well when expressed in writing–nuances lost, and so on. Plus, there’s still a LOT of resentment and anger among Berniecrats (me) Clintonites, and bland neoliberals. See, now someone will comment that Clintonites are bland neoliberals, but not all of them are. Some were committed to having the first Woman President of the United States. Meanwhile, though, in my congressional district 7 or more people are vying to run against the entrenched Republican Representative, and in Wisconsin, what looks like two very good candidates are fighting tooth and nail to run against Paul Ryan. And I think early support, including financial support, is important, and I want to be pragmatic as well, but candidates aren’t making it easy either–they need to figure something out at their level, or they’ll all burn themselves (and our wallets) out, leaving nothing to fight the Trumpists already in office.

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2017 made me feel completely lost for a while there. At times I still can’t believe that a person like trump (I refuse to respect that name with a capital t) is the president, and worse still that he can actually trigger a war. MY GOD!!! WHAT WERE PEOPLE THINKING! … my apologies, I had to shout that. He makes me sick. I wish someone would beat him up and steal his phone. President Obama’s children didn’t tweet when he was Pres. Chelsea didn’t get up in the media daily when Bill was President. Dubbya Bush’s kids didn’t hog the limelight. WHY DO TRUMP’s offspring feel like they have a right, and who the fuck cares what they think?

Okay, I feel better now, Thank you, I appreciate the platform. Happy 2018 everyone . May America become as blue as the sky!!


You just described how I feel. It’s hard to believe I could feel hate for a person I’ve never met. But I do. Something that I also think is odd… and still do… the first lady can barely speak English. I’m NOT xenophobic, it just strikes me as so very odd. Please America, the next person elected must be able to string a coherent sentence together, and make bloody sense when she/he is talking. Someone who puts 5 different topics into one sentence without finishing any of the topics is … well, it’s just not cricket. ARTICULATION IS THE ART OF THE DEAL, trump, you mutha fkrrrrrrr . Sorry.


I don’t waste my time with twitter or facebook, life’s too short & there’s lots more things I like spending time with.

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I’m happy to see I’m not the only one who refuses to even capitalize the t- name…nice to meet ya, CopThat!
They don’t respect anyone else, so they’ll get no respect from me, ever! (I really prefer the name “twittler” for you-know-who, but I sure won’t capitalize that either.)


In 2017 I was diagnosed with cancer, went through treatment, and lost my best friend. Oh and Trump.

2017 made me feel profoundly depressed. I can deal with the pure evil and greed that made someone like Trump think that he could be president. What I cannot deal with is the massive support for this utter shitstorm of weaponized ignorance and cruelty. I will never be able to forgive the liberals and moderates who didn’t vote or voted 3rd party. I will never understand the people who thought Hilary was “just as bad” as Trump. I will never be able to just shrug when people say they voted for Trump to “shake things up.” How f*&king irresponsible can you be? Would any of those people allow a complete ignorant novice to try to fly their plane or operate on them? America has been on a dangerous path of anti-intellectualism for a long time, and this is just the culmination of that mentality. But it is so exhausting and depressing. Pass the wine.

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As far as the first lady barely being able to speak English, perhaps it’s the old rule at work: “better to be silent and thought a fool, than to open one’s mouth & remove all doubt”-? There’s already more than enough off-gassing in the trump family & I don’t think d.t. married Melania for scintillating conversation. He’d need a translator if that were the case, someone to draw him pictures, he’s such a moron!

2017 Made me feel like I need new friends and half this country has been brainwashed and conservative media is the most evil organization on this planet. Trump keeps screaming fake media and of course that means the media that supports HIM is fake. 2017 also made me feel like I had been asleep for a very long time in spite of voting. I had NO idea how thoroughly corrupt the Republicans in Congress were until end 2016 and especially 2017.


2017 made me feel nervous about my neighbors and sad, seeing the widespread, proud display of ground-water levels of intelligence combined with unwarranted levels of confidence in the people around me.


Yes! I couldn’t have put it better myself. I’d like to find the Howard Dean speech (or writing) you referred to. Always liked the guy.

May we all have a better year. :blue_heart:

Frustrated frantic impotent anxious and obsessive about listening to podcasts and news in hopes of finally learning that t-rump and the repugs have spontaneously combusted and we can get back to something less terrifying :scream::scream::scream:


I just hope the nuke falls directly on my head if it happens… I’m well and truly sick with worry about what happens when my social security disability and other services get axed…

I’m so sorry for your rotten luck, no one should have to deal with all that at once. Hang in there!


Good Lord don’t give them any bright ideas!

“Today’s session of the Supreme Court is sponsored by Law & Order SVU. Wednesdays on NBC.”


Center Right was how I grew up, I always thought I was more liberal than my family, turns out I’m about as left as they come. Yes, yes on getting rid labels!