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The Impeachment of President Donald J. Trump

The Impeachment of President Donald J. Trump

The Democratic-led House have Impeached President Trump for Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress. Here’s a quick breakdown of the top committees that investigated the President, his businesses, campaign and his administration. Help me maintain this, comment below and I’ll update above or help me edit using the wiki feature.

What is Impeachment?

Impeachment is a rare political process used to accuse a President, Vice President or other civil officers of misconduct and is defined in the US Constitution. The reasons for impeachment include Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors (violations of the public trust).

General Impeachment News

This is everything all the back and fourth

The Senate Trial

Read and watch here.

House Committee Investigations:

Click for a more detailed look at each one.

Sideshow Rudy & Co.

What has Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani been up to in Ukraine? And what does all this have to do with impeachment?


deep dive into all the public information we could find


All the documents we could find related to impeachment news

Closed Door Impeachment Hearings and Depositions

All the behind the scenes action in document form

Public Impeachment Hearings

Watch the full hearings or just the featured clips

This timeline was last updated 02/06/20


Awesome resource! :trophy:

We’ll need something like this to keep track of the myriad of House investigations, especially as documents and testimony surface that spawn yet more investigations. We’re just a few days away from Felix Sater’s testimony.

My favorite phrase from the headlines above that encapsulates what we’ve been witnessing in this Administration for the past two years: “[An] Expansive Pattern of Lies and Criminality.”


Hi @anon95374541. As I find articles that pertain to House investigations (e.g., new investigations, hearing dates, announcements by the committee heads, analysis, etc.), I’ll add them as a post in this thread – similar to the way the “Who The F Has Left The Trump Administration” and the “All Things Mueller” threads have evolved. Does that sound good to you?


All the chairs


Sater will not testify publicly this week.

Sater, 53, will testify before a closed-door session of the House Judiciary Committee. He was also scheduled to appear publicly before the Intelligence Committee on Wednesday, but the hearing was postponed on Monday. A central focus of his testimony is expected to be Trump’s longtime effort to build a Moscow tower. The president’s former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, has previously said Trump sought to build in Moscow through the entire 2016 presidential campaign.


The House Judiciary Committee backed a Republican effort to look into claims that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein considered secretly recording President Donald Trump and raised the possibility of ousting him.

The Democratic-led panel voted 22-0 Tuesday to advance a resolution for a vote by the full House that would request Justice Department and FBI memos that are said to describe internal discussions in 2017 to surreptitiously record Trump and invoke the Constitution’s 25th Amendment to remove him from office.

If approved by the House, the resolution would amount to a formal request for the records, to be delivered within 14 days.


Full House approval would give Barr 14 days to comply with the demand for all records and communications concerning FBI investigations of Trump, as well any discussions within the Justice Department about secretly recording the president or seeking to replace him by invoking the 25th amendment to the U.S. Constitution. That amendment provides the procedures for replacing the president or vice president in the event of death, removal, resignation, or incapacitation.

Lawmakers are looking specifically at obstruction of justice and counterintelligence probes that former FBI Director Andrew McCabe says he launched after Trump fired his predecessor, James Comey, in May 2017.


Nadler is going subpoena the full report.

Rep. Jerrold Nadler, the committee chairman, said Monday he’s moving ahead with plans to press for the nearly 400-page Mueller report via subpoena despite written assurances from Attorney General William Barr that he plans to release the document by mid-April or sooner.


New Letter from Congress to Barr, requesting everything, including all the underlying evidence and Barr’s testimony.

Read the letter :point_down:

The House Oversight and Reform Committee on Tuesday voted to authorize three subpoenas as part of Democrats’ increasingly aggressive investigations into the White House security clearance process and the Trump administration’s efforts to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census.

In a party-line vote, the committee authorized Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) to issue a subpoena for former White House Personnel Security Director Carl Kline to testify before the panel about his role in approving security clearances. The panel also authorized subpoenas for documents from Attorney General William Barr and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross related to the 2020 census.


The House Judiciary Committee authorized its chairman on Wednesday to use a subpoena to try to force the Justice Department to give Congress a full copy of Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s report and all of the underlying evidence used to reach his conclusions.

The chairman, Representative Jerrold Nadler of New York, said he would not immediately issue the subpoena. But the party-line vote won by Democrats who control the committee ratchets up pressure on Attorney General William P. Barr as he decides how much of the nearly 400-page report to share with lawmakers.

“I will give him time to change his mind,” Mr. Nadler said in his opening statement. “But if we cannot reach an accommodation, then we will have no choice but to issue subpoenas for these materials.”

The committee also approved subpoenas for five former White House aides who Democrats said were relevant to an ongoing investigation into possible obstruction of justice, abuse of power and corruption within the Trump administration.


From @Keaton_James


@anon95374541 Thanks for the cross-link. I should have posted this here in the first place! :blush:

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No worries, I got ya :wink:

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I love this thread. Is the main post being updated like a wiki?

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@Matt I opened it as a wiki, will update the main post when I have time. If anyone wants to help, have at it, just :heavy_check_mark: any posts you’ve logged in the emoji box.

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The chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, using a little-known provision in the federal tax code, formally requested on Wednesday that the I.R.S. hand over six years of President Trump’s personal and business tax returns, starting what is likely to be a momentous fight with his administration.

Representative Richard E. Neal, Democrat of Massachusetts, hand-delivered a two-page letter laying out the request to Charles P. Rettig, the Internal Revenue Service commissioner, ending months of speculation about when he would do so and almost certainly prompting a legal challenge from the Trump administration.

[ Read Mr. Neal’s letter to the I.R.S. commissioner .]

The move came as other panels controlled by House Democrats were flexing their muscles. The House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday morning authorized its chairman to use a subpoena to try to force the Justice Department to give Congress a full copy of the special counsel’s report and all of the underlying evidence used to reach his conclusions on Russian interference in the 2016 election.

And the chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee said that he would soon ask for a vote on a subpoena of his own to compel Mazars USA, an accounting firm tied to the president, to produce a decade’s worth of Mr. Trump’s financial records.


I can help…but I do not have a clue what you are talking about technically. You can PM me. :grin:


But Democrats on Capitol Hill say that, beyond Newbold, there is a small army of whistle-blowers from across the government who have been working in secret with the House Oversight Committee to report on alleged malfeasance inside the Trump administration. Lawmakers and aides are reluctant to discuss information they have gleaned from anonymous government tipsters in detail. But the list of whistle-blowers who either currently or previously worked in the Trump administration, or who worked closely with the administration, numbers in the “dozens,” according to a senior aide from the committee now led by Democratic Representative Elijah Cummings of Maryland.


Rep. Jerry Nadler, the Democratic chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, sent a letter to Attorney General William Barr Thursday requesting the public release of summaries of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report prepared by his investigators, as well as all communications between the Justice Department and Mueller’s office about the document.

The big news here is that Nadler is demanding, not just the report, but also the communications between Mueller’s team and Barr prior to Barr releasing his whitewash “summary.” In other words, Nadler is virtually accusing Barr of a cover up.

Based on press reports, Nadler is alleging that Barr suppressed the summaries written by Mueller’s team which they intended to be released to the public. He further alleges that Barr then substituted his misleading “summary” in the form of his public letter. The first three paragraphs of Nadler’s letter are a scathing rebuke of Barr:

Dear Attorney General Barr,

I write to you regarding troubling press reports relating to your handling of Special Counsel Mueller’s report, and to urge that you immediately release to the public any “summaries” contained in the report that may have been prepared by the Special Counsel.

The New York Times and the Washington Post both report that some in the Special Counsel’s office have raised concerns about your March 24 letter summarizing the results of the Special Counsel’s investigation. The Post wrote that “members of [Special Counsel] Mueller’s team have complained to close associates that the evidence they gathered on obstruction was alarming and significant.”

These reports suggest that the Special Counsel prepared his own summaries, intended for public consumption, which you chose to withhold in favor of your own: “Some members of the office were particularly disappointed that Barr did not release summary information the special counsel team had … prepared for different sections of the report, with a view that they could [be] made public.” In fact, one unnamed U.S. official is quoted as saying that “Mueller’s team assumed the information was going to be made available to the public … 'and so they prepared their summaries to be shared in their own words-and not in the attorney general’s summary of their work, as turned out to be the case.”’

Here’s Nadler’s letter to Barr in full.