WTF Community

📆 What The Fuck is on the Calendar

:calendar: Tomorrow, 10/3!

:balance_scale: Supreme Court will begin to hear arguments in the Wisconsin gerrymandering case (Gill v. Whitford)

  • “Can the Supreme Court Fix American Politics?” (NYT Editorial Board)
  • A great explainer, which encompasses links to several useful articles: “The New Front in the Gerrymandering Wars: Democracy vs. Math” (NYT Magazine)
  • Interesting article about Wisconsin’s defense: “Wisconsin Is Misusing My Research to Defend Gerrymandering” (TIME)

What’s most interesting is that ending partisan gerrymandering, is a non-partisan effort. Amicus briefs were submitted by top ranking politicians of both parties. The Brennan Center breaks down the details here.


“If our party loses the majority because of independent redistricting, we didn’t deserve it in the first place”

(Parpharsed qoute from either Arnold Schwarzenegger or my congressman Alan Lowenthal - can’t remember which!)


:date: Tomorrow at 10am EST!

5 Things to Know Before the Hearing (USA Today):

  • This is Sessions’ first committee hearing since June.
  • This is a routine oversight hearing, but topics relating to Trump are likely to come up.
  • Other likely topics: DOJ’s budget, DACA, Civil forfeiture regulations, LGBTQ protections (or lack thereof)

Here is the Committee’s livestream Link.

:point_right:t3: Also, the main calendars post has been updated with upcoming events!


:calendar: The calendars post has been updated with upcoming happenings!

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I might start including a link to this at the bottom of the daily newsletter.

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:blush: I’ve been doing what I can to keep it up-to-date and as current as possible (I typically only post letting people know it’s updated when there are notable updates).

Also, I’ve been posting reminders with “what to know” info for any major happenings – I can keep up with that if people find it useful?

Today at 2:30pm EST :point_down:t3:
Senate Judiciary Sub-Committee Hearing: Extremist Content and Russian Disinformation Online - Working with Tech to Find Solutions

This will be the social media companies lawyer’s first appearance on the hill this week. Clint Watts (founder of Hamilton 68) will also be testifying.

What You Should Know

Securing Democracy’s overview of Russia’s disinformation war

Updated: Here is an update of what we learned during today’s hearing


I know there are plenty of good reasons to keep hearings closed, but hot damn I wish these were all open. I need catharsis! Even tho I know it would in all actuality only make me more ragey.


:v:t3: Wednesday is a double header for Congressional #TechHearings with the social media companies!

  • 9:30am EST / 6:30am PST: Senate Intelligence Committee Hearing on Social Media Influence in the 2016 U.S. Elections
  • 2:00pm EST / 11:00am PST: Russia Investigative Task Force (House Intelligence Committee) Hearing with Social Media Companies

:tv: Watch both hearings via C-SPAN 3’s website, C-SPAN Facebook Live or listen on C-SPAN Radio app

What You Should Know

  • Learnings & Notes from Tuesday’s hearing:
    • Facebook ended up being the primary focus of the questioning during the hearing
    • Russian activity on Facebook after the election was aimed at “fomenting discord about the validity of election”
    • Facebook admitted that political ads bought by Russia were being paid for in rubles, that they probably should have caught
    • Hearing featured the first look at the fake Russian ads that were handed over to Congress
    • Twitter found 2,752 accounts associated with the known Russian troll farm, more than 10 times the number originally disclose
  • Securing Democracy’s quick reference guide to Russia + Social media
  • More about Tuesday’s hearing can be found here

Things to Watch For :eyes:
Senator Mark Warner, who is the top Democrat on the Senate committee and former tech executive, wants to know the following:

  • How did Russia use social media & search platforms to influence the 2016 election?
  • How susceptible are these platforms to future disinformation campaigns waged by a small group of foreign hackers, trolls & bots?
  • How do they plan to work with Congress to make sure this doesn’t happen again? (Specifically on legislation like the #HonestAds Act, which they have been hesitant on)

Edit: Here is an update of what we learned during today’s hearing(s)


I love this section of the WTForum! This should be part of a daily briefing / on tap sort of thing.


:grin: Love it!

There has been alot with all the congressional hearings, so it’s been straight forward – is there anything else that I’m missing or should add?

:eyes: Be on the lookout early next week for the transcript of today’s hearing with Carter Page. He spent 7 hours in a closed door hearing today, without a lawyer and he uh…one could say he doesn’t interview well. It should be good read!

Edit: Link to the transcript

:point_right:t3: Also, the main calendars post has been updated with upcoming events!


:airplane: Trump’s Asia Trip: Fri, 11/3 – Sat, 11/11

Due to the time zone difference (+16hrs) while Trump is in Asia, the Daycare staff is likely to be off during the below local time frames (aka the times when Trump is alone with his phone/Twitter):

  • 1pm - 5pm EST
  • 10am - 2pm PST

Preparation for the trip seems to be going just fine so far.

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Does this mean Monday? (3 days after Thursday)

Monday or Tuesday, depends on if they count Thursday as day one. Given that they did interview him for 5 hrs, my best guess is Tuesday.

:date: Tomorrow!

Trump’s ‘loyal lieutenant’ to testify on 2013 Russia visit (Politico)

Former body man Keith Schiller, who used to satisfy the president’s fast-food cravings, will head to the Hill to answer questions about Trump’s visit to the Miss Universe pageant.

No hearings are currently listed on the House Intelligence Committee’s website, so assuming this will be a closed hearing.

5 posts were split to a new topic: Who the fuck is testifying

us election 2017

:ballot_box: Today is Election Day!

Here’s a few handy guides for following today’s elections:

Live Election Results via NYT: VA Governor | Other VA | New Jersey | New York | Utah’s 3rd District - Special | Maine Medicaid

The results are starting to come in…! The AP has called the following:

:small_blue_diamond: VA Governor - Ralph Northam (!!!)
:small_blue_diamond: NJ Governor - Phil Murphy
:small_blue_diamond: Danica Roem becomes the first transgender person elected to a state legislature nationwide! (VA - House of Delegates)
:small_blue_diamond: Democrats have won the majority in WA state senate! Democrats now control every state legislative body and governorship on the West Coast!
:diamonds: Republicans keep control of UT-03 (Jason Chaffetz’s seat)
:hospital: Maine passes the Medicaid expansion

This could be huge: as of right now, Democrats are on track to win the majority in the House of Delegates!

:ballot_box: The Day After - Election Day Recap


I haven’t said “what the actual fuck” in a positive way in fucking forever!! What a night!


I know, @MissJava! I was literally in tears last night!