Dec. 14. – FCC votes to kill the net neutrality rules
It appears Glenn Simpson has testified - the leaks are starting…
Here are some of the notable articles that have emerged so far:
Congress’s Thanksgiving Recess starts today - see if your MoC is holding a townhall (or if they are MIA)!
You beat me to it today! I had it bookmarked to add to the calendar!
I missed this hearing until today - could be an interesting one. The video is up on the committee’s website for those interested.
In preparation of Erik Prince’s hearing, there is a good Mother Jones article from today: Will the House Intelligence Committee Get the Truth From Erik Prince?
Be on the lookout early next week for the transcript of tomorrow’s hearing with Erik Prince.
Not many details here - will update, if so!
Also, the main calendars post has been updated with upcoming events!
One of the major cases that the SCOTUS will hear this session begins tomorrow. The outcome could drastically change anti-discrimination law.
- Countable: Are Cakes Free Speech? Or Illegal Discrimination?
- HuffPost: Masterpiece Cakeshop: Wedding Cakes, The First Amendment And The Supreme Court
Critical Deadline this week!
While the GOP is hoping to avoid a Government shutdown, they will need Democratic votes to do so. Some MoCs have already pledged to vote NO, if protections for DACA recipients are not included/voted on.
More Details: G.O.P. Pushes to Avoid Government Shutdown, but the Path Is Tricky
Update 12/7/17: The House passed a two-week stopgap spending bill
Tomorrow is the AL Senate Special Election!
Tomorrow is the deadline on for the House/Senate to take legislative action on the Iran Nuclear Deal. Thus far, Congress has not acted to do so.
Tomorrow at 10am EST!
This is general oversight hearing (not a “regularly” schedule though), however questions regarding Mueller, Trump/Russia investigation are likely to come up, as well as Hillary Clinton’s impeachment ( sarcasm, of course – but their performance at last week’s hearing surely will give you that impression!).
Watch the hearing on CSPAN3 or listen on CSPAN Radio tomorrow!
Also, the main calendars post has been updated with upcoming events!
Cancelled – The Committee has told Credico his attendance is no longer necessary as he has stated he intends to the plead the fifth.
This feels pretty on point.
Probably should add:
Stephen Colbert took out a “for your consideration” ad in Times Square. (Clip from tonight’s episode)
View from Times Square:
Full Billboard:
I’m dying. I can’t stop laughing!
This Week’s Congressional Hearings
This is scheduled to be a general oversight hearing - however in the wake of Trump’s “shithole” comments, she is likely to be asked about them. Secretary Nielsen is one of the ones in the room who “do not recall” Trump’s statements.
- Notable: Senator Durbin is a senior member of this committee and Senator Feinstein (a strong advocate for DACA recipients) is the ranking member.
Watch the hearing on CSPAN or at the Judiciary committee’s website on Tuesday!
The interview will be behind closed doors and will focus on Bannon’s time on the campaign, not the transition or his time in the White House. (HuffPost)
Update: Bannon refused to answer majority of questions from the committee, at the request of the White House, even after the committee subpoena’d him on the spot during the interview (Details)
Lewandowski’s interview date is not confirmed, but will be behind closed doors and he has said he won’t plead the fifth as other witnesses have done. (The Daily Beast)
Update: Lewandowski was interviewed on Wednesday, 1/17 and did answer majority of the committee’s questions; however, contradicting what he stated on Fox News on Tuesday, he did not answer all the committee’s questions.
Also, the main calendars post has been updated with upcoming events!
Current Status of #TrumpShutdown:
Senate approved to fund the government to Feb 8 (Details)
Shithole Shutdown Timeline
VP Mike Pence’s Middle East trip
Here’s what you need to know…
- He’s making the trip to talk about things like fighting terrorism and religious persecution
- Expect tension. Many in the region aren’t too pleased with President Trump’s decision last year to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital
- Afterward, Palestinian President Abbas said ‘thanks but no thanks’ to meeting with Pence. Awkward
- But Pence’s cal still includes get-togethers with Egyptian President el-Sisi and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu
Source: The Skimm
The annual week-long après-ski with the rich and powerful kicks off in Davos today. Here’s what you need to know…
What is Davos?: The Davos Backstory
- Trump will be the first POTUS since Bill Clinton to show up. He’s giving a speech the last day of the forum, and plans to push his America First agenda with world biz leaders. (The Skimm)
- There have apparently been complaints in the past that the conference was too male-dominated. This year, the event is being led entirely by women – like the IMF’s Christine Lagarde. (The Skimm)
- Notably attending with Trump: Munchin, Kushner, Tillerson, Perry, Neilson, Bossert
- Melania – out
- Melania – out
The Latest: Trump’s Davos trip still on ‘if all things go as expected’ with govt shutdown (Politico)
Also, the main calendars post has been updated with upcoming events!